Ben and Tony Bear. Book 1. Ben meets Tony.

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Two toys ruled the house of Greenwood.  They had been with their owners since they had been little. They were Big Ted and Mompy.  Their owners had married and now had a little boy of their own.  His name was Ben. 

Now every child everywhere has a toy that they love and cherish, and helps them through out their lives. Daddy had Big Ted, Mummy  had Mompy but little Ben had  no one.  He was nearly a year old and none of the toys that Mummy and Daddy, or any of their friends had bought had become Ben's friend.

Every toy in the house of Greenwood wondered whom Ben would pick.  Glo worm tried to be his friend and comfort him in the night, but Ben could not settle with Glo. He would play lullabies every time Ben turned over on him.  The other toys tried one after the other.  Fluffy Bear was to fluffy. Blue bear was too stuffed.  Baby Doll's arms and face were to hard.  One eyed monster frightened him, even though he did not mean to.

The toys kept on trying.

Ben was nearly five months old and still no toy had  become Ben's favorite.   Daddy and Mummy were taking Ben out to the fair.  It was a special autumn fair.  

Daddy and Mummy walked around the stalls with Ben in his pushchair. Daddy and Mummy tried to win Ben a prize goldfish but Daddies aim with the ball was not very good and neither was Mummy's.   Next Daddy tried to roll balls into lines with high numbers but the balls kept going into the wrong numbers.  Then Mummy thought that maybe Ben would like to have a go on the next game.  It was hook a duck. The sign said  " Win a prize every time."

Mummy got Ben out of his pushchair and held him up.  Daddy helped him hold a long pole with a hook on the end  to fish for ducks.  Ben had three goes.   On the first two goes he had no wins but the third go he got a win.  The man said he could have any prize on the table.

Ben knew exactly what he wanted.  On the table in front of him sat a small grey bear with a scarf and a blue hat.  All the bears sat limply in their boxes smiling out at the world.  Ben reached out towards the bears.  The man picked up one from the end, Ben screamed so the man put it down.

 "Which one would you like young un?" Asked the man. The man went all along the the row until he got to the centre where a bear sat with his head hanging down.  Ben laughed and gurgled.  The man gave Ben the bear.   On the bears hat it said Tony.  

"So your names Tony. " Said Mummy. " Welcome to the family Tony."  Ben hugged him tightly and Tony Bear smiled a big smile.  Some one had chosen him to be their bear. 

Daddy, Mummy and Ben with Tony Bear held close to him went home.  The other toys all watched as Ben came in with Tony Bear.  They all smiled and nodded hello as Tony was introduced to them.  That night Ben hugged Tony Bear close to his chest.  Big Ted and Mompy came over and introduced themselves while Ben slept.  Tony Bear was very pleased to meet them.  He was very pleased at being picked from all the others but he did not think he was any different from all the other bears there.

"I'm from a fair" he said. "I know I'm not much to look at, I was a prize for a pound but Ben chose me out of all the others." 

"Tony Bear, Said Mompy " You are worth a million pound now. You're a special Bear chosen to be Ben's friend. "

"Yes you are very special indeed" Said Big Ted. " Ben has gone without a special friend since he came here and now he has you. Welcome to the Greenwood Family."   Tony Bear gave a big smile for he knew that  Ben and he were going to have some great adventures together.

Ben smiled in his sleep.

Ben smiled in his sleep

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