Ben and Tony Bear. Book 35. The Dinosaur Park.

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      It was the school holidays.  Aunty Linny asked if she could take Ben and Tony Bear to one of the places that she always liked to go, the Dinosaur Park.  Mummy thought this was a great idea.  Ben had been to the Dinosaur Park when he was  little, it had scared him at the time so Mummy had not been back there.  But Ben was a little bigger now and older, and things change even for a little boy like Ben.  

     " Would you like to go too the Dinosaur Park Ben?"  Ben looked a Tony Bear, he remembered the last trip there. It had  places that he could run about and things to climb on.  But it also had loud growling dinosaurs.  Mummy held her hands out for yes and no.  Ben looked at them and then tapped yes.

     Mummy packed his pushchair, his food and drinks. Then she went and picked up Aunty Linny and Nanny.  

     Mummy got lost on the way down, someone had knocked a signpost out, but Nanny asked someone for directions and they soon found the right road again. 

     The park had not changed on the outside, the big scary dinosaur still roared at the entrance.  Ben put his hands over his ears and hummed.   The inside would be better.   

     Tony Bear was scared, he huddled down inside Ben's coat.  

     Ben hugged him tightly once they were past the big scary dinosaur. 

     Before they went off round the park, Nanny thought it was a good idea to have something to eat and drink first.  It was nearly dinner time, and time for Aunty Linny to do her insulin injection.   

     Ben could not sit still, there was so much to see and that was just in the cafe.  They had two televisions showing things to do around the park.  There was a dinosaur in the middle of the cafe, and Ben took Tony Bear to show him that dinosaurs were interesting.  

     After they had eaten,  Aunty Linny asked if they could do the walk first.  There were lots of dinosaurs to see on the walk.   They set off, on the walk, back in time they went,  back to when dinosaurs walked the earth.  

      Ben and Tony read all the labels.  Dinosaurs did not live now.  Well not the big ones anyway.  

Aunty Linny told Ben that birds were descendants of dinosaurs.  Ben looked up at Aunty Linny.  Mummy guessed that he had not understood the word descendants.  That was a big word even for Aunty Linny to use.

     " Descendants are their family,  that has carried on over many years and changed.   You," Said Mummy, " are Nanny's descendant.  You are a bit like her but different.  Over many thousands of years the dinosaurs became smaller.  "  Ben understood, descendants were your family. Your children.   Tony Bear wondered what his descendants would be like.

       Ben saw many dinosaurs. They were all very friendly and let Ben pat them. Ben stood next to a Styracosaurus.( Sty - rack- o - saw- rus).    


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