Ben and Tony Bear Stories. Book 34. "Those bears need a bath."

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It was time for bed Mummy kissed Ben goodnight, Ben held Tony Bear, Toni Girl and T.B up for a kiss too. As Mummy bent to kiss them, she smelt a bad smell.
" Phew, those bears need a bath. " Said Mummy. " Tomorrow, they go in the washing machine. " Ben pulled the bears too him and shook his head. Ben did not want too let the bears out of his sight, not even to have a wash.

In the morning Mummy dressed Ben and then went to pick up the bears for the wash. Ben grabbed Tony Bear, Toni Girl and T.B from Mummy. The bears were not having a bath. Ben liked them just the way the were. They did need a bath. Ben shook his head.
"Alright," Said Mummy, "We'll try again later. "
Mummy watched all day for a chance to get the bears from Ben. Ben was not letting them out of his sight or his hands. Ben held on tightly to the bears all day. Where ever Ben went, the bears went too.
A game of watching and waiting began. The bears went downstairs with Ben, Mummy waited. The bears and Ben went upstairs. Mummy followed, Ben kept the bears close too him. Dinner time came, Ben kept rightfully of the bears while Mummy fed him. A little bit of chocolate dessert fell on Tony Bears hat. "Now they have too have a wash, Tony has chocolate on him." Ben pulled Tony Bear close to him. Mummy got a tissue and wiped the desserts off. Ben was not letting the bears have a wash.

Mummy watched and waited. Tea time came and went and Ben kept the bears close too him. Soon it was bed time. Mummy got Ben ready for bed. Ben kept tight hold of the bears. Mummy kissed Ben goodnight, Ben pushed the bears towards her for a kiss. " No kiss for the bears tonight, they need a wash." Said Mummy. Ben looked sadly at Mummy. " Alright, but only one little kiss each. " Said Mum with a little smile. " Tomorrow the bears are getting a bath."

Next day Mummy tried again to get Tony Bear, T.B. and Toni Girl from Ben. He would not give them up though. Mummy tried all morning to get them but Ben kept them close to him.

At dinner time Ben sat down with the bears on his lap. Mummy opened up his dessert and went to feed Ben a spoonful. Ben suddenly swung his arm upwards. The dessert went everywhere, including all over the bears. Tony Bear, T.B. and Toni Girl sat sadly
looking up at Ben. They were a mess. Ben put his hand up to his mouth and did his, "Oh no," expression.

" Now they will need to have a bath." Said Mummy. Ben looked down at the bears. Mummy was right, they did need a wash. Ben held the bears out to her. Mummy took the bears, Ben grabbed her sleeve and pointed with a worried expression to the bears. It's okay Ben, the bears will be alright." Mummy took the bears out to the washing machine and put them in with a little tub of washing liquid. The machine started up. Slowly it rinsed them from side to side. Then it went round and round. Ben and Mummy went and sat back down while the bears had their bath.
Mummy cleaned up the mess, and finished feeding Ben. Ben could hear the washing machine going. Mummy went upstairs to change Ben's tablet as the battery had gone flat. The washing machine started to spin. The bears were going to feel ill spinning that fast. Ben went rushing out to the kitchen and pressed the stop button. All the lights went off except the door locked light. Mummy was sorting his tablet out still. The went off. The machine was still full of water, it had only started its first spin. Ben opened the door and took the bears out, they dripped everywhere. The washing machine had not finished its cycle.
Ben took the bears out and took them to Mummy upstairs. Mummy was a little shocked to be given dripping wet bears. She guessed that Ben had taken them out before the machine had finished.
" Oh no, " said Mummy. " let's take them back down and let the machine finish washing them." Ben took his Mummy's hand, they went back downstairs and put Tony Bear, T.B. and Toni Girl back into the machine. Mummy started the machine back up.
" Now don't take them out till the light signed - door locked - goes off. The machine started up and Ben watched it spinning round. It spun round many times, very fast. Ben watched and waited.

Very soon the machine stopped. The door locked light went off.
"Now you can take the bears out and put them in the dryer. " Tony, T.B. and Toni Girl were still damp. " Do they smell better now?" Asked Mummy. "You smell them Ben. " Ben put the bears to his nose, but he did not sniff them, instead he handed them to Mummy too smell. Mummy took a sniff and smiled. "They smell like flowers. Time to dry them now."  Ben held on tight to the bears.  " Would you like to put them in the dryer? "  Mummy opened the dryer.  Ben looked in.  Tony Bear looked up at Ben,  

      " We really do need to get dry."  Tony Bear sneezed.  " Aaaa chooo." 

     " Bless you."  Toni Girl said with a sniffle.   The bears huddled damply in Ben's arms.  Ben put the bears one by one in the dryer.   Mummy  shut the door and turned the dial to thirty minutes, that should be just long enough to dry them off.

     " Come on Ben, let's play with the marble chute while the bears dry.  "  Ben started to follow Mummy but stopped for a look back at the dryer.  " They will soon be dry, come on."  Mummy built the marble chute up and Ben watched the marbles race down the slopes and holes.  You just never knew where they were going to come out.   Time passed and Mummy heard the dryer stop.  " The dryer has stopped Ben, your bears will be dry now."  Ben got up quickly and raced out excitedly into the kitchen.  Mummy opened the dryer and Ben took the bears out.  They all felt so fluffy and warm.  Ben put them to his nose and smelt them.   They did smell better to him.  Ben passed them to Mummy to smell just in case, she took a big sniff.  " They smell lovely. " She said.   Ben gave a big smile,  Tony, T.B. and Toni girl smiled too.  They all felt so much better after their bath.   Ben took them in the living room to show them the marble chute he and Mummy had built. 

Ben and Tony Bear.  Book 1. Ben meets Tony.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora