Ben and Tony Bear Stories. Book 26. The Toys and Ben save Christmas.

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     Ben, Tony Bear and the toys in Ben's house have a big secret.  Ben's Daddy goes out to work every Christmas eve.  In every country there is a Daddy that helps out the real Father Christmas at the North Pole.  Well he couldn't do it all by himself, could he.  Delivering all those presents in one night, all over the world to all the children.  A lot of work for one man to do.  So Father Christmas chose a Daddy from each country to help him.  Ben's Daddy was one of these helper Father Christmas'.  He  did exactly the same job as the real Father Christmas.  Looked for naughty or nice children, and delivered presents to all.  

    Ben's Daddy even had a magical sleigh and reindeer, and helpers.  Ben only found out last year that his Daddy was Father Christmas, when his Bear Tony got stuck in the stair gate and woke Ben up.  But Ben had his suspicions all along.   This year Ben was looking forward to seeing Father Christmas.

     Everyone was looking forward to Christmas but Ben and Tony Bear were both a little worried.  In fact the whole house was worried.   Daddy had been unwell for several weeks now.  He had been coming home tired and had a very nasty chesty cough, that just would not go away.  Mummy said  it was just a really nasty chesty cough to have.  During the day the cough was not to bad but at night the air was colder, the cough got worse.  Some nights Ben had cried because he was worried about his Daddy.   Tony Bear did the best he could, he cuddled Ben and hugged him till he fell asleep.  Mummy did her best too, trying to make Daddy comfortable and making sure that Ben had plenty of cuddles, and was kept up with everything that was happening.

     On the morning of Christmas Eve the toys knew that Daddy would not be able to deliver the presents that night to all the children of Britain.  Not by himself at least, he was going to need help.  Brown Bear and Mompy the head of toys of the Greenwood household got onto the tablets and messaged the North Pole.  Father Christmas was sent for.  The toys explained the problem.

     " I knew he wasn't very well. " Said the head Father Christmas. " Here's what I want you all to do.  Mummy and Ben are going to have to help him, and so are you toys. " Head  Father Christmas turned to the Head Elf that stood beside him.  " I want every house elf and toy in Britain notified that they are going to have to be ready and waiting to help the British Father Christmas." 

     " Yes Sir. " Said the Elf and started giving orders to others to send out messages far and wide across Britain.   Britain's Toys and Elves were going to have to pull together now.  The  British Father Christmas needed them.

     The toys explained to Daddy and Mummy what was going to happen.  Mummy and Tony Bear explained to Ben.  Ben was very excited.  Daddy    was not too sure about taking Mummy and Ben with him.  Ben was not very good out in cold weather.  And what about the presents, all wrapped up.  And so many new places that Ben had never seen before.  Daddy looked at Ben.

     " You will have to be a big brave boy for me tonight.  I am going to need your help.  Are you certain you can handle all these new things that are going to be happening?  "  Ben looked at Daddy.   Ben placed his hand on Daddy's, then got up and hugged him.  " Are you sure that you and Mummy want to come and help? Yes or No. " Daddy held his hands out.  Left hand a fist, and right hand flat out.  Ben put both his hands on the left yes hand.  " Alright, Let's do this. " Said Daddy. 

     Mummy got Daddy's outfit ready.   She set his tall walking staff by the door, and cleaned his wellies.  Mummy got Ben a warm outfit to wear and found him a warm coat to put on.  She found warm clothes for herself and put on her warm red coat.  Then Mummy got several blankets out of the cupboards for every one to sit under.  It had been decided that Mompy, Brown Bear and Tony Bear would go with them.

     Very soon it was Christmas Eve.  Everyone got dressed and waited for Daddy just to put his wellies on.

     " Is everybody ready?" Asked Daddy.   They all nodded yes, even Ben.  Tonight was going to be the best and hardest Christmas eve ever.   Ben was so proud because he was going to be helping his Daddy.   " Let's go then. "  Daddy grabbed his tall walking staff.   Every one followed him outside.  Ben carried the toys in his arms.  Daddy banged his staff three times on the path outside the house.   Ben watched with amazement as the garden vanished in the stream of stars that came from Daddy's staff.   Rising up from below came a big red sleigh, with a huge sack of new toys all wrapped up for Christmas.  Elves scuttled about, and reindeer stamped impatiently ready to be off.  

    " Everything is ready Sir, all the household toys and elves have been notified and are expecting your arrival."  Daddy thanked the Elf.  Everyone climbed aboard the sleigh.  Mummy handed out the blankets.  Mummy and Daddy buckled everyone in with the safety belts.  Daddy shook the reigns.  Ben held tight as the sleigh lifted off into the air.  He sat between Mummy and Daddy with Tony Bear on his lap and smiled. 

        They started with their own little village first.  Daddy, Ben and the toys would go down the chimneys with the help of the magic staff.  If there was not a chimney the toys or elves of the house would be waiting by the open doors.   In every house they went to, the toys and elves helped them set the new toys down about the trees or beds of the children.  At first Ben was a little frightened going to all the houses but Daddy held his hand and Tony Bear and the others kept him calm if it started to get too much with all the trees and presents.

     Ben and Mummy kept Daddy going.  His cough would sometimes get very bad.  Ben handed him drinks to help his throat, and Mummy would pass Daddy his inhaler to help him breathe.  Every one helped out.  Ben loved all the different trees he saw.  The lights on them were lovely, and some of the houses had been lit too.   

     By the early hours of the morning, just about five of the clock,  Ben gave a huge yawn.  It had been a long and busy night.  All the presents had been delivered.  It was time to go home.  

     Ben and Tony Bear were both fast asleep when they got home.  Mummy carried Ben and Tony Bear indoors and put them both to bed.  Daddy, Mompy and Brown Bear put the reindeer and sleigh away.  Daddy thanked every one for their help.  Daddy had one more set of presents to deliver.  He carried in three biggish packages labelled Mummy, Daddy and Ben.  And also three small ones labelled Mompy, Brown Bear and Tony Bear.  Daddy put them beneath the tree.

     Daddy was very proud of all of them.  Especially Ben, he had done so well.  All the new places and sights that he had seen.  And no big melt downs.  Tony Bear had done a great job at helping keep Ben calm and collected. Daddy was proud of them all.  Daddy took of his suit and layed it on the chair for Mummy to put away.  He put his staff back in its corner.  

     Daddy sat down in his armchair,  Mummy bought him a hot cup of chocolate drink.  She wrapped  a blanket around him as he coughed a few times.  Daddy  thanked her and Mummy kissed him on the forehead and wished him goodnight. 

    Daddy sat for a little while and thought about the wonderful night that he had had, and all the help that every one had given him.  He drank his hot chocolate and fell asleep in his armchair as the children of Britain were waking up to find the presents that Father Christmas had left them.  And none of them, only one would know how much work had gone into making Christmas day special for them all.  And that one child was Ben,  who was now curled up with Tony Bear fast asleep.

     Mummy bent down and kissed Ben's cheek.

     " Merry Christmas to all, and to all a goodnight." 

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