Book 3. Ben and Tony are late.

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Ben's Mummy got him up at 6.30 a.m. every morning for his Special school.  But today, as most days Ben was very sleepy.  Mummy got him dressed and down stairs.  She put his special milk and his cereal on the table.  Ben sleepily made his way to the table.  Mummy checked his timetable to make sure that Ben had everything in his bag.   Mummy got his lunch bag ready and made sure that he had enough to last him the day.  

Tony Bear sat on the armchair and waited.  He always went to school with Ben. Mummy and Ben would dress him in his uniform. When Ben put his coat on, Tony Bear had his coat put on and off the pair would go to school.  But this morning Mummy had a lot on her mind.  Mummy had things to get ready and lots of places to go today, she forgot to dress Tony for school. 

Ben sat and continued to eat his cereal and milk while Mummy rushed about getting things ready for him.  Mummy filled in his book for the night before to say what Ben had eaten and done duing the evening.  Mummy looked up as Ben got down from the table and glanced at the clock.

" Oh no, where has the time gone?" She said noticing that it was five to eight. The mini bus would be here soon to pick up Ben and Tony.  Mummy grabbed his  book and slipped it into his bag. There was a knock at the door.

Mummy opened the door.

" Hello. I hope everyone is ready for a good day at school." Said Debby the carer..

" No, We're running late. Come in. " Mummy ran into the hallway, she grabbed Ben's coat and Tonys.  Mummy rushed into the living room saw Ben and Tony sitting together on the armchair. 

"Oh no, Tony Bear has not even got his uniform on yet. " Mummy grabbed his uniform off the settee. Mummy took Ben's hand. " Come on Ben and Tony the Mini bus is here to collect your for school. " Ben and Tony went with Mummy into the kitchen.  " Can you dress Tony please Debby while I get Ben sorted."

"You're not running late. " Said Debby dressing Tony in his uniform. " We are a bit early.  Sarah our normal driver is back from her holidays and she came a bit earlier today to show me her photos."

" Thank goodness.  We were running a few minutes behind ourselves" Said Mummy getting Ben's coat on. Ben went excitedly over to Debby and hugged her hello.  She handed Tony Bear to him. Ben hugged him. He did look smart in his uniform and bright yellow coat.

" Is everybody ready for a great day at school?" Asked Debby. Ben jumped excitedly up and down, Tony Bear gave a big smile.  " Come on then, what are we waiting for."  Debby took Ben's hand. Ben hugged Tony tightly.  Mummy followed to the bus with Ben's school bags. 

Debby helped Ben and Tony to their seat and strapped them both in. Mummy handed the bags to Debby.  She placed them safely under the seat.

" Have a fun day. " Said Mummy,  " see you later."  Mummy waved goodbye as Debby shut the door, and the bus reversed to turn around. 

" Bye bye." Mummy waved. Ben and Tony smiled at her from the bus as they drove off to school.  They were not late and had a great day.

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