Ben and Tony Bear Stories. Book 20. Ben's terrible sick day.

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     Ben had a really nasty cold.  He woke up sneezing and sniffing.  His nose was runny and by the end of the day he had a really sore nose and lips where he kept wiping his nose on his sleeve.  Mummy kept trying to get him too hold a tissue and use it but she was not having very much luck.  Ben hated holding things,  and tissues were a very big hate as they went from being dry to being wet very quickly.  

     Mummy gave Ben some medicen to help him feel better.  Ben did not like taking medicene.  Ben struggled to get away.  Even though he knew that it would make him feel better, Ben still struggled.  Mummy had to use a syringe to get the medicene into him while she held him tightly to her. Come bedtime though he felt very ill and tired.  Ben picked up Tony Bear and made his way to bed.  Mummy undressed him and put his pyjamas on him.  Ben cuddled up with his du du and Tony Bear and fell fast asleep.  

     During the night he woke up several times feeling thirsty.  Tony Bear helped him to hold his beaker up and drink.  Then they would cuddle up and drop back off to sleep.  

     By two in the morning Ben had run out of drink. He took his beaker and Tony Bear into Mummy and Daddy's room and woke them both up.  Daddy sleepily went downstairs and got him some more juice while Mummy gave a sleepy little Ben some more medicene.  Ben did not struggle so much this time he felt really ill.  He was hot , his throat hurt and he was tired.   Tony patted his arm as he took the medicene like a big boy.  Daddy came back up with his juice.  Daddy took Ben's temperature.  He was very hot.

     " Ben had better spend the rest of the night with us. " Said Daddy.  Ben was already asleep before Mummy laid him down in the middle of the bed.  Ben tossed and turned, waking up now and then feeling thirsty.  Mummy watched over him for a while until she fell asleep.  Daddy fell asleep too.  That was when Tony Bear took over.  He made sure Ben was alright.  He passed Ben the juice, he cuddled him and covered him over he started to shiver.  Tony Bear looked after him till Mummy woke up again when the alarm went off.

     Ben continued to sleep.  He did not look well at all.  Mummy checked his temperature, and made sure that he had something to drink when he woke up.  Mummy phoned the school and let them know that Ben was unwell. 

     Ben slept and slept.  

     At about one in the afternoon Ben woke up.  His nose was sore and so were his lips.  His nose was running like a tap and could not stop sneezing.   Mummy came up and got his clothes out, but Ben did not want to get dressed.  Mummy changed his nappy pants.  Ben did not know when he had to go or when he wanted to go to toilet so he still wore nappy pull ups.  Potty training was still an ongoing thing.  Mummy had been trying for ages to get him potty trained and would keep on trying.  One day he would catch on, just as he had done when he finally slept the whole night in his own bed for the first time.  But that is another story for another time.

     Ben felt so ill.  He sat on his bed with Tony and looked at his car book.  After a while he fell back to sleep.  

     Ben woke again about three.  It was raining heavily outside and this had woken him up.  Ben did not want to read his book anymore.  

     " Would you like to watch your tablet?" Asked Tony Bear. " It is in the computer room. "  Mummy always put the tablet in the computer room now since the night Ben had dropped it on his foot.  Ben climbed down off the bed and went to get the tablet.  As he got off the bed he sneezed.  " AAAchooo." Ben dropped Tony Bear on the floor.  Ben wiped his nose on his shirt sleeve and picked up Tony Bear.  Ben hugged him and signed sorry too him.

     " I'm okay. " Said Tony.  " There is a tissue on the side there. " Ben looked at it.  Then wiped his nose on his sleeve and sniffed.  Ben went and got the tablet.  Mummy was in her craft room knitting as Ben came out of the computer room.

     " Hello love, how are you feeling now?"  Ben sniffed and wiped his nose on his sleeve.  Just as he got outside the door to the room he gave another loud sneeze.

     "AAAchooo."  This time Ben dropped the tablet and Tony Bear.  The tablet came crashing down on his big toe.   Ben suddenly screamed and burst into tears.  The tablet had hit the same foot again.  Mummy dropped the knitting and picked Ben up.  His big toe started to go red again.  Mummy grabbed Tony Bear.  She hugged Ben and checked that he could still move his toe.   Tony Bear hugged him tightly.  Ben sobbed loudly.

       This was the worst sick day ever.  Not only did he feel rotten and ache all over. Not only was his nose runny and sneezy, not only was he nose sore and his lips sore but now his toe hurt him dreadfully again.  Ben cried.  Tony Bear and Mummy hugged him tightly.

     Mummy got up.  The tablet was very naughty landing on Ben's poorly bruised toe yet again.  Mummy picked it up and told it off severely.  The tablet did nothing.  Tony Bear wondered what Mummy was doing.   But Ben looked up and his crying stopped a little.  He reached out for the tablet.  Mummy gave it to him.  Ben hugged it.  It was not the tablets fault that it had landed on his toes.  It was not any ones fault.  It was the cold's fault. 

     Ben handed Mummy a tissue.  Mummy wiped his nose and hugged him.  Ben smiled and then sat and watched the tablet for a little while with Mummy and Tony Bear.  Sometimes his Mummy made him laugh.  Ben yawned and after a while fell asleep again.  Tony Bear sat and watched over him as Mummy put the tablet at the side of the bed and left him to sleep.

     Sleep was the best thing in the world when you had a cold or did not feel well.   Tomorrow, maybe Ben would feel a little better. 


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