Ben and Tony Bear. Book 13. Ben gets trapped.

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      It was a lovely day outside but Ben did not want to go outside and play. It was too hot outside for him.   He wanted to play with his cars on Mummy and Daddy's bed.   The bed was very big and just perfect for making long lines of cars all around it.   Tony Bear helped  by giving encouragement and saying whether the line was straight.  

     Mummy would check on Ben now and then to make sure he was alright.  Mummy was very busy today as it was washing day and cleaning up day.  Ben had left all of his cars out on the floor downstairs and Mummy had to pick them all up before she could do the hoovering.  Once that was done there was the dusting and the dishes to wash, not forgetting the rest of the house.

     Mummy picked all the cars up and  put them into the two baskets.  Ben had a lot of cars.  He never played with any of the other toys that he had been bought for him, just the cars.  He liked his cars.  There were metal ones and plastic ones, big ones and little ones.  All of them were great for sucking or chewing on and for lining up. 

     Mummy got the hoover out and hoovered.  Ben and Tony played happily upstairs.   It did not take long to hoover the room once all the cars were picked up.  

Ben stood up on the side of the bed.  Daddy's chair was at the side  and some of the cars were on the seat of the chair.  Ben leaned over the chair to get them.  As he leaned forward he bent his knee.   His knee slipped the gap easily and he grabbed his cars.  He tried to stand up and found he could not.  Ben pulled and pulled but his knee would not come out.   Ben looked over at Tony Bear.

     Tony Bear came over and jumped onto the chair.  

" Hold on a minute. " Said Tony Bear as he looked at Ben's trapped knee.  " Right I will push and you pull. " He said.  Tony placed his little paws on Ben's knee and pushed.  Ben pulled his backwards but his knee did not come lose.  Ben was starting to get worried.  He was going to be trapped here in Daddy's chair forever.   Ben's knee was starting to hurt too.  He looked at his knee, it was starting to turn red.  Ben pulled again while Tony Bear pushed with all his bear strength.  

It was no use,  Ben's knee was stuck fast.  Ben started to cry.  

" Call out for your Mum. " Said Tony Bear.  " Mummy will know how to help."  Ben screamed out.  His knee hurt and he was trapped fast.  

Mummy was just putting the hoover away in the hall way when there came a loud scream.   

     " Ben! " said Mummy  worriedly and went running up the stairs.   Ben was stood at the edge of the bed with his knee trapped in the chair.  Tony Bear was on the chair.   Mummy tried to push Ben's knee back through but it was wedged in too tight.  

     "It's okay love, I'll get you out of there. "  Ben sobbed and sniffed.  His knee hurt a lot.  " Did you try and get Tony Bear and then you slipped on the edge of the bed? " Asked Mummy as she tried to straighten Ben's leg a little and then push it out.  Ben sniffled.  His knee did not come free.  " Right, " said Mummy, " this calls for something drastic.  Vaseline, that will do the trick."  Ben did not like the sound of that.  

     Mummy went into the bathroom and got the jar of vaseline out of the cupboard.   A bit of grease was needed for the job.  Ben tried to pull his knee free but it just made it redder.  Then Mummy came back with the vaseline.  Ben struggled harder, he did not want vaseline on him.  He hated that slimy stuff on his on his skin.  " It's okay. " Said Mummy.  " This wont hurt a bit."  

     Mummy smeared the cold and greasy vaseline either side of his leg.   Ben squirmed and tried to pull his knee away.  Mummy smeared it on the back part of the chair to where Ben's knee was trapped.   This was horrible, Ben kept trying to pull his knee free.   Mummy put the jar down and then  did her best to straighten Ben's leg.  Ben continued to try and pull. 

     There was a popping noise and Ben's knee came free. 

     Mummy grabbed him as he nearly fell backwards and gave him a tight hug as he cried with relief.   Mummy picked up Tony Bear and gave him to Ben to hug while she checked out Ben's knee.  

     " Well, you've bruised it but it should be alright.  It's not broken or anything bad.  See if you can stand on it. "  Mummy put Ben down on the floor.   His knee was sore but he could walk on it.  Ben laughed happily as he ran off into his bedroom to fetch more cars, holding Tony in his arms.  

Ben and Tony Bear.  Book 1. Ben meets Tony.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang