Ben and Tony Bear Stories. Book 37. The Paddling Pool Adventure.

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     It was a very hot day, so hot that Mummy thought she would give Ben a surprise when he got home by having the paddling pool out ready for him.   Mummy got the pool out of  the cupboard under the stairs.  She found the pump in the porch and pumped up the top of the pool.  Mummy found the hose and filled the pool with water.   By the time Ben got home from a hot day at school, the pool was ready for him to have a paddle in.  The water came over his ankles and half way up his legs. It was deep enough to sit in or have a splash.

     The bus drew up and the carer bought him to the door with his bags, so he could run in and surprise Mummy as usual.  But this time he did not run in and surprise Mummy, he had seen the pool and was happy.  He did not move but stood smiling.  

     "Come on Ben, run in and surprise Mummy. "  But Ben did not move.  " Mummy you will have to come and surprise him." Mummy went to the open door and peeped round.  There was Ben smiling.  Mummy thanked the carer and got Ben to come in through the door.  Ben tried to head out the back door to the pool.

     " You can't go in with your school clothes on Ben.  You have to change into your swimmies to play in the pool."  Ben looked down at his clothes and ran indoors and upstairs.  Mummy took Tony Bear, T.B and Toni Girl from his school bag and put his cup in the sink.  She quickly read his school book and went upstairs to change Ben.

     The Bears wondered what Ben was so excited about and peaked out the window.

     " The pool's outside and filled with water." Said Tony Bear excitedly.  The others smiled.  The pool sounded a great idea on this hot day.  

     Mummy got Ben changed into his swimmies.  But as Mummy went to take his shoes and socks off, Ben put his hand down.  

     " You can't wear your school shoes in the pool." Said Mummy.  " They will get wet and get ruined."  Ben looked down at his shoes.  He liked his shoes on, he could not feel the floor with them on.  " If you ruin your shoes, what will you wear."  Ben looked at his shoes.  He put his hand on them and shook his head.  " Okay, you can wear them down stairs but when we get to the back door you will have to sit down and I will take off your shoes and socks." Said Mummy.  Ben smiled and nodded.

     Ben rushed down the stairs and waited at the door.  He sat down in the chair and Mummy took off his shoes and socks.  Ben did not stand up though.  He looked at the floor.  He looked at the pool and lovely cool water.  He looked at his shoes.

     " It is only a couple of steps Ben."  Ben looked at the floor and the pool.

     " You can do it Ben.  Just take the two steps."  Said Tony Bear peaking round the door.  Ben looked up and pointed to the door.

     " What do you want Ben?"  Mummy asked.  Ben pointed again.  " Type on your tablet Ben. " Mummy passed Ben his tablet and he typed Tony.  " You need some back up." Said Mummy handing  Tony Bear to Ben.  Ben nodded.

     " You can do it Ben.  Put your feet on the floor." Ben looked at the floor.  It was black foam matting.  

     " Come on Ben. " Said Mummy stepping into the pool and holding out her hands. " You can do it." 

     Ben looked at Tony Bear.  " Go on." Said Tony Bear, " I'm right here with you."  Ben slowly stood up.  The foam felt soft and squidgy beneath his feet.  He did not move forward though.  Mummy reached out and lifted him into the pool.  Ben stood still. 

       The water was very cold. But after a second it felt warm.  The bottom of the pool was a little slippery especially where there were little hollows in the ground below it.  Mummy said he had to walk carefully so as not to slip.  Ben walked round the pool.  The water sloshed his legs.  Then he stamped his foot and splashed.

Ben and Tony Bear.  Book 1. Ben meets Tony.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant