Ben and Tony Bear Stories. Book 16. A surprise trip and Ben says Please.

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     It had been a long wet day.  Mummy had been trying to catch up on the housework.  Ben was upstairs under his duvet watching cartoons and logos on his tablet.   He liked hiding under his duvet or the big blanket of Daddy's.  He even used his cars toy box because it was totally black inside.  When he put Daddy's big green blanket over the top it was like being in his own private little cinema. He had the volume just where he wanted it, not too loud.  And he and Tony Bear could sit and watch together.

     Ben liked it like this.  There was no loud vibrating speakers . No people talking or coughing.  And he did not feel that he was being overwhelmed with lots of lights , or the smell of food.  Ben liked his little cinema.

     Mummy had just finished putting the last of the dirty plates in the dishwasher when the phone went.  

     " Hello love, would you be able to take Linny and me to shops? "  It was Nanny.  

     " Yes I can.  Can you give me half hour to get Ben in the car?  What are you going to buy.  You don't usually go shopping till Friday?"

     " Linny wants to get herself one of those digital clocks.  The one I got is keeping her awake.  She said it ticks too loudly. "Said Nanny.  Aunty Linny was like Ben, she had an autistic spectrum disorder.  Linny did not like loud or other certain sounds. 

     " I'll be over in about thirty minutes."  Mummy switched the phone off and went upstairs to Ben.    " We have to go out for a little while Ben.  Nanny and Aunty Linny have to get a clock at the shops." Ben started to cry.  Mummy had not told him earlier that they were going out.   Ben ran into Mummy's room.  He was not ready to go out.  He did not have his cars travelling box with him.  Ben cried as he tried to pick up the box full of cars.  Ben could not lift it.  He threw himself onto the bed and cried.  Why did they have to go out.  Mummy had not said anything about going out. 

     " It 's alright. " Said Tony Bear putting his little paws on Ben's arm. " Things like this happen.  Sometimes you have to go places without warning.  "  But Ben cried even more.  He did not like being told things at the last minute.

      Mummy went and got their coats and came back up stairs with them.  She put on her coat and then tried to get Ben's coat on.   

     " What's wrong Ben?" Asked Mummy getting down on the floor so that she was level with Ben.  "Why are you crying little man?"   Ben got off the bed and tried to move the cars again.  " You want to take your travelling box with you? "  Ben lifted Mummy's hand and put it on the box.  " Alright you can take them with you.  Will you put your coat on now?"  Ben lifted his arm so that Mummy could put his coat on.

     Ben sniffled.  Tony Bear hugged him as tightly as he could.  He did not like to see Ben upset.  Ben did not know where they were going, only that they were going to the shop with Nanny and Aunty Linny.   Mummy put the box of cars into the car and then got Ben strapped him.   If Ben was going out then he would need something to do on the journey.  Ben pointed to the back of Mummy's seat.

     " Do you want your story books?" Asked Mummy.  Ben shook his head from side to side.  Mummy looked into the back of the seat again.  " Do you want your beer mats?" Asked Mummy.  Ben shook his head again.  The books he wanted were not in there.  He wanted his little spotting Ispy books that Aunty Linny had given him.  They had all the car logos and lorries in them.  Ben liked looking for the lorries and car makes as he went along.  Ben picked up a car and a truck from his box and gave them to Mummy.  He pointed at the story books again.

      Mummy looked at the cars and the books. " Ahh, you want your Ispy books. " Ben smiled.  Mummy always knew what he wanted.  Mummy rushed back indoors and got the books.  Ben sat quietly in the back and looked at his book as they went and got Nanny and Aunty Linny.

     They were not long down the shops. Aunty Linny did not get her clock as it was not in stock yet.  They would have come back on Friday and get it.   Mummy, Nanny and Aunty Linny decided they would pop into one of the other shops while they were in town.   Ben needed a new coat for school. Getting Ben to try things on though was impossible.  Nanny helped by measuring the coat up against Ben's back as Mummy held on to his hand.  Mummy would have to leave it where Ben would see it otherwise he would not wear it.  Ben did not like new things

     After they had got the coat they all went home.  Mummy dropped off Nanny and Aunty Linny, then Ben and Mummy went home themselves.  

     It was nearly teatime by the time they got back.  Ben was hungry.  Mummy started to finish up doing the last of her jobs.  The rubbish had to be put out and then Mummy could sit down.  Ben waited for Mummy to finish.  Mummy sat down next to him at his computer.  Ben looked around his cup was not there.   Ben got up and went down stairs.  

     " Where are you going Ben?" Asked Mummy looking over the stairs.  Ben got his cup from the tray.  He took his cup upstairs to Mummy and held the cup out to her.  Mummy was sat at the computer sorting out her mail when Ben came up to her.  Ben had Tony Bear under his neck.  Tony Bear whispered to him.

     " Try again, " Ben thought, there was something he was not doing right.  Ben tapped Mummy on the arm, Mummy looked at the cup in Ben's hand.   Ben bought his hand flatly up to his mouth and back down again.   Mummy looked at him.  Ben had just signed by himself without Mummy telling him to do it. Ben looked at Mummy, maybe she did not understand his sign.  Ben did it again.   

      " Please. " He signed again and pushed his cup towards Mummy.

     " Would you like me to get you some of your milk drink. "  Ben smiled and signed the same sign again.  But this time he was saying, " Thankyou." 

    " Well done Ben." Whispered Tony Bear.  " I think you just made your Mummy happy."  

     Mummy was happy and surprised.  Ben had never signed please or thankyou to anyone before, at least not without being told to do so.  That was the first time a grown up had not said anything.  Ben had signed all by himself.  When Daddy got home from work, Mummy told him what Ben had done.  Daddy hugged him.  

       " Well done Ben.  Well done.  Good boy for signing Please." Ben smiled as Daddy gave him a hug, and then he got down and went and played with his cars.  Tony Bear hugged him tightly.  He was so proud of Ben. 

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