Ben and Tony Bear Stories. Book 24. A friend for Halloween.

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     It was the night of Halloween.  Outside it was cold and dark. Cobwebs hung from the trees. Grinning   pumpkin lanterns smiled ghastly smiles from windows and doorways.  Skeletons danced  in the breeze on gate posts, and witches, monsters and ghosts roamed the dark streets.   The moon  shone out now and then from behind scudding clouds.  Tony Bear shivered.   He was afraid of the things that  were out on Halloween evening. 

      Ben stood by the window and looked out into the dark night.  Ben was dressed up as a vampire.  Ben  did not have any face paint on, or any plastic pointy teeth in.  Mummy thought he looked pale enough as he was.   Ben would not wear anything on his face anyway or put anything in his mouth.  But he did have on this amazing black cape that had a lovely red lining.  With his black trousers , white shirt and black fleece top on, Ben looked really good.  Even Tony Bear had a little cloak on.  

     " Ben, time to go trick or treating."  Called Daddy Ben looked out into the dark night and just as he turned away, he thought he saw a shadow.  Ben looked again and so did Tony Bear for he had seen something move too.   But there was nothing there now.  Ben and Tony went out into the kitchen. Daddy put Ben's coat on under the cape, just to keep him a little warmer. Daddy was dressed as a vampire too and Mummy was a vampire Mum.  Daddy took Ben's hand and opened the door.

     " Have a good time. " Said Mummy.  

     Ben, Tony and Daddy walked out into the garden.   Cobwebs fluttered in their faces as they made their way down the dark path lit only by skull glowing dimly in the dark.   Bats sqeaked in the air above them and somewhere an owl hooted.  Tony Bear shivered, Ben shivered and held Tony Bear tightly.   The leaves on the trees rustled in the wind.  They sounded like dry bones rubbing together.  

     Outside the gate,sat upon the bin a pumpkin grinned toothily at them.  Ben stepped closer to his Daddy.  Halloween was scary.  From out of houses around the street came witches, ghosts and ghouls.   Zombies roamed the paths, bandages hanging from their arms.   Black cats walked with their Mums.  And all of them looked very scary.  Even the Mum's and Dad's.  And they were scary enough even when it wasn't Halloween.   

     Daddy walked with Ben towards the first house.  As Ben went to cross the road, something darted past his back.  Tony Bear saw it and nearly screamed.  He tried to dive into Ben's sleeve.  Ben squeezed and pulled his Daddy's hand, but Daddy carried on walking toward the first house.  Ben too had caught a glimpse of something again out of the corner of his eye. 

     Daddy knocked at the first door. The door opened with a  creak.  A very tall witch opened the door.  The Witch gave a very good cackle.   Ben knew it was his Aunty Nikki but she looked really good as a witch.  Ben handed her his little card with Trick or Treat on it.

     " I think, " Aunty Nikki said "that I will give you a treat. " Aunty Nikki put a car into the bag that Daddy carried.  Ben signed "Thankyou,"  with a little smile.  He liked cars.  Tony Bear tugged his sleeve.  Ben looked round a little ghostly boy was standing beside Ben peering into the bag that Daddy held at his side.  Ben put his head down a bit and watched the little boy.  Ben could see right through him.  Tony Bear held on tight to Ben's hand.  It was a real ghost.  Ben gripped Tony  tightly.  Ben had seen ghosts on the childrens shows that he watched, and now here was a real one.

     Daddy was speaking to Aunty Nikki about something.  Ben held Tony Bear up towards the boy.  Ben signed Hello to Tony Bear.  Ben wanted Tony Bear to say Hello to the little boy.

     Tony Bear gulped.  He had never spoken to a ghost before.  Tony Bear took a deep breath.

     " He He Hello little boy." Tony Bear stammered.  The little boy looked at Tony Bear and smiled.  The boy was friendly.  " This is Ben and I'm Tony Bear. Ben can't talk but he has asked me to say Hello to you."  The little ghost looked at Ben.  Ben signed Hello and smiled at him very quickly.

     " Hello. " Said the little ghost.  " My names Tim.   I wanted to see what you were given.  All the rest of the children can't seem to see me, and they are all getting sweets.  But you weren't given sweets. You got a car.  Don't you eat sweets? " Asked Tim.

     " Ben doesn't eat a lot of anything. " Said Tony Bear.  " Ben has autism." The little boy smiled a really big smile. 

     " I used to have that when I was alive.  But I haven't now.  Maybe that is why you can see me." Ben liked the little ghost boy.   " Could I come trick or treating with you?  I never got to go when I was alive.  And getting a car is much better than sweets."  It seemed that Tim liked cars as much as Ben did.  Tony Bear looked up at Ben.  Ben nodded yes.  The little ghost boy whooped.   Daddy finished talking to Aunty Nikki and said goodbye.  

     " Now, " said Daddy, " Where to next. "  Daddy looked at the list of houses that Mummy had given him. There was Aunty Anita, Aunty Saran, Aunty Debbie and both Aunty Lorraines.  Now there was Daddy, Ben, Tony Bear and the little ghost Tim going round the houses.  Daddy did the knocking.  Ben handed over the card and Tony and Tim shouted Trick or Treat.  No one could hear them though except Ben.  And laughed as they shouted out each time.  Daddy wondered why Ben kept laughing, but he had no idea why.

     Ben, Tony Bear and Tim went to all  six houses on Daddy's list.   At each house they collected a car.  Ben did like cars and so did Tim too.  Ben, Tony and Tim had a great time going around Trick or Treating on Halloween.  The other children smiled as they passed Ben and said Hello to him.  Ben waved and smiled.  Ben was having a great time like they were and he had two friends with him tonight and his Daddy. 

     Back at the house Ben tipped out the cars onto the floor.   Tim and Tony looked at them all.  They were all sports cars of all different colours.  Ben looked up at Tim.  Tim looked a little sad.

     " It is nearly time for me to go.  I have really enjoyed going trick or treating with you Ben, and Tony Bear.   Maybe, I could come again next year with you?"   Ben nodded yes.  

     " I think, " Said Tony Bear, " that Ben and I would like that very much."  Tim stood up,  Tony Bear said " Wait, Ben has something to give you. " Ben had picked up a little red car and a little silver car, and was holding them up for Tim.   " Ben would like you to have them. You did come trick or treating with us. " Tim looked at the cars and then took them from Ben's hand.   As Tim took the cars they turned ghostly like him.

      " Thank you. " Said Tim.  " Thank you very much.  I have never got a treat before.  It is my first one ever."  Ben smiled.  " I'll see you again next Halloween Ben and Tony Bear.  " And Tim disappeared through the wall.  Ben and Tony Bear had the most amazing Halloween ever.  And both of them looked forward to seeing Tim again next year.  

When Mummy helped Ben carry the cars upstairs to bed that night,  she counted only four.  Mummy wondered where the others were.  She was sure there had been six.  

     " Oh well, they are probably around somewhere." She said to Ben as they climbed the stairs to bed.  Ben did  not seem that worried that he only had four cars.  He knew where they were.  " Mummy tucked Ben and Tony Bear into bed.

     " Happy Halloween Ben and Tony.  Sleep tight and sweet dreams."  Mummy kissed them both goodnight.  Ben smiled and closed his eyes.  Tony Bear would have a great story to tell the others later.         



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