Ben and Tony Bear Stories. Book 21. Ben's sad dream.

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   Ben lay sleeping peacefully in Mummy's and Daddy's bed.  After Mummy had got washed and dressed she checked on Ben to make sure that he was alright.  Mummy put her pillows at the side of him just as Daddy had done on his side of the bed earlier that morning, to stop Ben from rolling off the bed.  Mummy looked at Ben's face. He smiled in his sleep as he hugged Tony Bear.  

     Mummy went off down stairs to make their breakfasts.  She took the baby alarm with her so that she could hear if anything happened.  Now and then Ben made little gurgling sounds in his sleep.

     Now I don't know if you know this but toys that are very close to you have a very special gift indeed, they can dream share with you.  So if you are having a bad dream or a very sad dream your little friend will wake you up and be there to hug tightly when you wake up.   

     Ben was having a very good dream.  Daddy,  Mummy,  Ben and Tony Bear were playing together in a big meadow.  The sun was shining brightly and little white clouds puffed across the sky like cotton wool balls.  There was a big soft play area in the meadow too and they had all been sliding down the big wavy slide, laughing and giggling happily.  They had played on the bouncy trampolines.  They had played chase with Ben and Tony.  And then they stopped to eat and drink for a while before they carried on playing.  It was great playing with Daddy and Mummy, and Tony Bear. 

     Ben was having a lot of fun.  He laughed happily.  Tony Bear laughed but in the distance Tony Bear noticed dark clouds beginning to gather.  Ben's happy dream was about to go wrong.  The clouds got nearer and nearer.  Thunder rumbled across the dark clouds but it did not rain and there was lightning.   Tony Bear ran to Ben and grabbed his hand.  

     Mummy and Daddy had stopped playing.  They stood and watched the clouds above them and then they started to walk away.  They were going.

     Where were they going? 

     " Daddy. Mummy?" Ben called out to them but they carried on walking away from them.   Ben started to run with Tony Bear after them.   They tried to catch them up.   But Ben and Tony could not catch them up.  Daddy and Mummy kept getting further and further away.

     " Daddy. Mummy." Ben cried out to them. " Don't go. Stay and play. " But it was to late.  They were gone.  Faded away in the distance.   Ben and Tony Bear were all alone in the dark meadow.  Ben started to cry.  His little heart broke.  His Mummy and Daddy had left him.  What had he done.  Why had they gone away.

     " Ben, you have to wake up. " Said Tony Bear shaking Ben's hand.  " It's a dream Ben. Open your eyes.  It's not real.  It's just a dream." Ben looked down at Tony Bear shaking his arm but Ben continued to cry.

      Mummy heard Ben start to cry on the baby monitor.  Something was wrong.  Mummy rushed up the stairs. She sat down on the bed next to Ben.  His eyes were still shut.  Ben was having a bad dream.   Mummy shook him.

     " Ben wake up love, come on, open your eyes. It's just a dream little one. "  Ben slowly opened his eyes.  He reached up still crying to his Mummy.   Mummy picked him up and hugged him tightly.  " Did you have a sad dream? " Mummy asked, she put her hands out. One was in a clenched fist and the right hand was laid flat.  " Yes or no? " She asked him.  Ben reached out and tapped her left hand.  "

    " Did you dream that Mummy or Daddy died?" Ben did not answer.  He did not understand what died meant.  Mummy thought again. " Did you dream that Mummy and Daddy went away?" Ben tapped the yes hand.   Ben sobbed sadly.

    " We're not going anywhere Ben.  We are right here for you as long as you need us. " Said Mummy and she hugged Ben tightly.  He still continued to cry.  He loved his Mummy and Daddy so much but he just could not tell them because he could not speak.  

     Mummy noticed Tony Bear laying on the bed.  He too looked a little sad.  Mummy picked him up and put him under Ben's arms.

     " Don't cry please Ben. " Said Tony Bear.  I'm right here too.  I not leaving you either.  " Tony Bear peeked up over Ben's arms.  Ben took him and held him tightly.  Tony Bear hugged him tightly back. " It was just a dream Ben. " Said Tony Bear.  " None of us are leaving you.  We will always be right here for you. For as long as you need us."  Ben sniffed and stopped crying.  He smiled a little.  

     It had all been just a dream. 

     Mummy, Ben and Tony Bear sat on the bed and hugged each other. 

     When Daddy came home later on, Mummy told him what had happened.  Daddy went straight upstairs to see Ben and he too sat and gave him a big tight hug for a while. 

     It had all been just a sad dream.  

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