Ben and Tony Bear Stories. Book 18. Ben goes to the Dentist.

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     It was time for the family check up appointment at the Dentists.   Ben did not like the dentist because he kept trying to put things in his mouth.   Ben has a problem with things going into his mouth.   It is a sensation he does not like at all.  Because of this sensation Ben has trouble with his eating.  The sensation is taste and the feeling of things in your mouth.   Ben also uses the tip of his tongue to feel things with much like we do our fingertips.  

     Daddy , Mummy, Ben and Tony Bear drove to the dentist in the big town.  Mummy had told him days before that they were going to the dentist and had shown him the picture for it.  Ben knew he was going to the dentists but Ben did not like it.  

     As soon as they got into the car park Ben recognized where they were.  The dentist appointment was now.  Ben looked out the window of the car at the building and started to cry as Mummy unstrapped him. Mummy pulled him over and sat him on her lap.  Mummy knew they were going to have a problem with this.  Mummy calmed him down enough to get Ben out of the car.

      Ben still cried, he held Tony Bear under his chin.  Tony Bear hugged him tightly and patted his neck.   As they went through the door the crying got louder and Ben started to struggle to get down and away from the Dentists.  Mummy held onto him tightly. Mummy spoke calmly to him and stroked his hair.  Tony Bear patted his neck and told him it would be alright.  

     Daddy booked them in.   The lady smiled. 

     " Is Ben not well today?" 

     " Ben is okay, he knows the dentist is going to look in his mouth." Said Daddy.

     " It will be alright Ben. " Said the Lady.  Ben carried on crying.   Daddy shut the door so that Ben could not run out of the dentists.  Mummy and Daddy sat down. Mummy let Ben go and he went to Daddy for a cuddle.  Ben continued to cry.  

     There were other people in the dentists.  An elderly gent and his wife and a family with three children, one the same age as Ben and two a little older.   They were playing on the wire bead table.  Tony Bear watched them from Ben's hand.   Tony Bear tapped Ben's had and pointed to them.

     " Let's go play with them. " He said.  Ben looked over.  They were having lots of fun,  but Ben did not know them.  He wanted to stay with Daddy.  Ben shook his head and cried.  Tony Bear sighed.  Daddy explained to the other people in there about Ben.   They all understood and smiled.   The children came and said Hello to him.   One of the little girls showed him her teeth.  She had a lose one.  She was hoping that the dentist could take it out for her so that she could put it under the pillow for the tooth fairy.   

     Ben did not look at the children.  He did stop crying and listen to them though.  Now and then he would let out a little sob.   The nurse came and called the children in for their appointments.  The children called out bye bye as the left Ben.  Ben started to cry again,  The dentist was going to put things in their mouths too.  

     Time for a distraction thought Daddy and picked up a magazine from the table at the side of him. Ben  pushed it away.  Then he went and got a different one.  One with lots of adverts in.  Ben liked adverts.   But the magazine did not last long.  Another nurse came out and called in the gentleman and his wife.  A dentist was going to look in their mouths too.  Ben started to cry again.  Soon it would be his turn.  Ben dropped Tony Bear and the magazine on the floor.  Mummy picked them up.  She put the magazine back on the table but she took Tony Bear off and hid round the other side of the big glass panel in the middle of the floor.


     "Boo. " Called Tony Bear as he peeked round the side.   Ben looked up, he got down and ran to catch Tony.  Tony disappeared round the other end.  " Boo"  He called again.   A game of chase started around the thick glass panel.   Ben stopped to look through the glass at Mummy and Tony Bear.  The glass was funny, it made everything look strange.   The children came out and smiled at Ben.

     " I got my tooth for the tooth fairy. " The little girl showed Ben the tooth.   Ben looked at it.  It was so small and white.  Tony Bear looked at it.  He wondered what a Tooth Fairy was.  The nurse came out and called in Ben.   Ben suddenly looked frightened again.  They were going in.  It was their turn.  Ben started crying.  He did not want to go in.  He did not want things put into his mouth.   

     Mummy picked up Ben and carried him into the dentists room.   It was white with a big chair in the middle.   He had two televisions on the roof so that you could watch as you had your teeth seen too. Ben carried on crying.   The dentist saw Daddy first.  The dentist liked Daddy's teeth.  Daddy still had a baby tooth.  This was very rare indeed.

     Ben watched but continued to cry.   The dentist looked at Daddy's teeth with his little mirror.

     Daddy's teeth were great.  They just needed to be cleaned.  The dentist cleaned Daddy's teeth.  Ben watched.  It was Mummy's turn next.  The dentist was pleased with Mummy.   Mummy's teeth were not as good as Daddy's.  Her teeth had needed a lot of looking after over the years.  Mummy did not need any fillings done for a third time.  She had done really well.  Mummy just needed her teeth cleaned too.   Ben got up. He went and watched the dentist cleaning Mummy's teeth.  

     Soon it was Ben's turn.  The dentist asked if Ben's eating was any better.  

     " No. " Said Daddy.   " Ben is still eating very little.  He is still on the special milk too. "   Mummy picked up Ben.  He did not want the dentist in his mouth.  Ben would not sit on the chair he tried to get down.  Mummy sat on the edge of the chair and stroked his hair.  

     " You can do this Ben , just like we practiced.  Open your mouth so the dentist can look at how nice your teeth are."  Ben opened his mouth a little.  The dentist could not see his teeth.

     " Open a little wider. " Said the Dentist man.  

     " A little wider Ben.  "  Said Tony Bear from his shoulder, " Show him your teeth.  You can do it." Said Tony Bear.  Ben opened a little wider.  The dentist put the mirror at the bottom of Ben's lip.  He could see Ben's teeth.  They looked great.  There seemed to be no holes.  The dentist patted Ben's hand.

     "Well done Ben.  You can choose a toy from my box.  " The dentist passed the box to Ben.  Cars, there were cars.  Ben took a green one, then a different green one and a red one, and a purple one.      " Only one car Ben.  " Said the dentist. " You have to leave some for the other children. " Ben did not understand, he had to have the collection.  They were all different but the same shape.  Ben had to have them all.  As Ben got down, Mummy put the other cars back in the box.  Ben started crying again.  Mummy kept a green car for him.

    " You can collect the rest next time Ben.  You don't have to have the whole lot at once."Said Mummy,  Ben cried. Mummy did knew he did need the whole collection but he had to learn that he could do it bit by bit. Collecting things was another thing Ben was very big on.

     " Ben will start to lose his baby teeth soon.  You have to keep an eye on any that start to get wobbly. " Said the Dentist.  Ben stopped crying.   That little girls tooth had been wobbly.  She said the Tooth Fairy was going to take the tooth.  Ben did not like the sound of that.  

      "A visit from the Tooth Fairy.   You'll get some money under your pillow for your teeth then." Said Daddy.  Ben started to cry again.  He did not like the sound of wobbly teeth or the Tooth Fairy.

     What is a Tooth Fairy. Wondered Tony Bear as Mummy and Daddy said goodbye to the Dentist.


Ben and Tony Bear.  Book 1. Ben meets Tony.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن