Ben and Tony Bear. Book 6. The Santa float comes round.

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                            Dedicated to Christine 12/05/2022 and Alan adopted Grandparents.

 It was very dark and cold outside. The street lights were on.  Adopted Nanny and Grandad had come for a visit to bring down some presents for Ben.  They did not often come as they lived many miles away.  Ben was very excited to see them. He had given both a big hug when they came in.  When Grandad sat down, Ben looked at his Grandad's watch. Ben liked Grandad's watch.

   " You chose just the right day for a visit. " Said Mummy. " Today Santa is coming round on his float to wave to everyone."

     " Do they still do that here.  No one has come round where we live for years." Said Nanny.

     " Well tonight then, you are in for a real treat." Said Mummy.  " Ben is very excited about seeing Santa. "  Ben ran over to the window to look out, but there was no one there yet.  Daddy was not home yet either.  This year he would miss seeing Santa on his float.

     Mummy went outside and listened. In the distance she could hear faint music.  Mummy rushed back in.  " They are on their way. Come on, everyone outside."   Everyone grabbed their coats. Mummy put Ben's coat on as he jumped up and down excitedly.  Mummy, Ben and Tony Bear, Nanny and Grandad went out and stood on the corner and waited. 

     In the distance Ben could hear loud Christmas songs being played through a speaker.  Ben held Tony Bear tightly in his hand.  Tony watched the corner of the road closely.  He too was very excited.  Tony and Ben jumped excitedly up and down as the music came closer.

     Round the corner came lots of people with buckets and big Christmas sacks over their arms.  Then came the float.  A house with a chimney and lots of lights flashing all over it.  The music was very loud. Ben put his fingers in his ears.  Tony did his best to help Ben block out the sound.  Mummy  put her hands over Ben's ears. The music was too loud for him, but he and Tony still jumped up and down with excitement. 

     The float came slowly down the road. In the top stood Santa. He waved to Ben and Tony Bear.

     " Ben wave to Santa." Said Mummy. Ben lifted his hand and waved. Tony Bear waved to.  It wasn't the real Santa up there, thought Ben. He knew the real Santa, and at the moment he was very busy getting things ready for Christmas eve.  Mummy gave Ben a coin and he put it into the bucket.  This Santa was collecting for charity to help children and people who could not afford to celebrate  Christmas.  The lady gave Ben's Mummy a large Christmas sack. This was for his presents to go in on Christmas eve.  Nanny and Grandad put in some money too.

     Ben and Tony jumped up and down as the float with Santa in turned around and went off back down the road.  Music blared out loudly as Santa waved goodbye to the children in the road and they went of to the next street.  Ben waited until the float was out of sight.  He took his fingers from his ears and went back in to the warm house with Tony Bear at his side.  Mummy, Nanny and Grandad followed.

     " It was really exciting to see the Santa float, wasn't it Ben?"  Asked Tony as he and Ben sat looking at the new sack upstairs.  Ben looked down at Tony and smiled. It had been exciting. The light flashed and twinkled and music played merrily.  And most of all Santa had waved at them.  Ben wished Daddy could have been there, but Daddy was working hard.  Maybe he would see it with them next year.  Ben smiled at Tony and gave him a hug.  It had been a very exciting evening.

     Later that night, Tony told the other toys about the Santa float and all that had happened. They all listened and smiled.  They too could not wait for Christmas eve.  There would be new toys and friends to make.  Tony said goodnight and climbed carefully up the covers to Ben.  He snuggled down under Ben's arm and went to sleep with a smile on his face.  Ben hugged him tightly and smiled in his sleep too as he remembered the exciting evening.

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