Ben and Tony Bear Stories. Book 39. The Christmas Star.

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     It was Christmas Eve. Daddy had gone out to work.  Christmas Eve is the only time that toys can actually talk.  Ben and Tony Bear sat at Mummy's window with the curtain open and watched the night sky.  Ben was looking for Father Christmas.  Mummy had put Ben to bed so that he could get some sleep as he was not feeling to good.  He had a chest infection and it was now his third week of coughing.   Mummy had fallen asleep after coughing for a while, she too had a nasty cough and cold. 

      " I wonder what that star is called. " Said Tony Bear pointing at a really bright one.  Ben had his tablet in front of him.

     " Christmas Star. " Typed Ben.

     " I think you are right Ben. " Said Tony Bear. " It is really bright.  Even if it is not, it deserves the title of Christmas Star because it is shining so bright." 

     But as Ben and Tony Bear watched as the star twinkled brightly and then seemed to go into a dive. 

     " Shooting Star." Typed Ben.

     " I don't think it is meant to do that." Said Tony Bear.  The pair watched as the Star shot to Earth and landed with a boom. Mummy stirred but did not wake up.  " I think it landed in the field behind the barn."

     " Help." Typed Ben. 

     " Your Mum might wake up." Stated Tony Bear.

     " No. Sleepy."  Typed Ben.

     " Yes I know she was tired.  Can you open the gate and door still." Ben signed yes. Ben carried Tony Bear to the gate and quietly lifted the latch.  The gate did not even squeak.  They made their way quietly down the stairs.  Mum coughed in her sleep. 

     Ben got his coat and opened the back door.  Tony Bear was tucked inside his coat and peeked out from the top.  Ben made his way to the field.  He and Daddy had walked Nanny's dog past here in the summer.  Now  the barn had scaffolding around it and all was dark. 

     In the field a faint glow came from it's centre.  Ben made his way to the centre of the field.  The crater was huge and in it lay the Star.  She was beautiful.  She lay with her eyes shut.  Ben climbed down.  It was kind of warm by the Star.  But Ben had to wake her up.   Ben and Tony Bear shook her till she opened her eyes.

      At first the Star was a little frightened.  She had only seen people from the sky.  Being this close was a little scary.  " Who are you?" She asked. But Ben could not reply.

    " His name is Ben. And  I am Tony Bear." Said Tony poking his head out from Ben's coat. "What is your name?"

     " I am called Elissa.  I am the Christmas Star for this year." She said. sitting up and checking herself over.  Nothing was broken. She sighed relieved and looked up at the  sky.   How was she going to get back up there.  She had not meant to fall.   Elissa had been pulled.  She could have been to close to the Earth and got caught in the gravitational pull. " How am I going to get back."

     " Get back?" Typed Ben. 

     " Yes." Said Elissa. " A lot of people are going to have to wish on me to get me back up there."

     Ben and Tony Bear thought for a while.  And then Tony Bear smiled. " I know  some people that might be able to help." Tony Bear roused every toy in the village.  Every child's toy stood around the star and wished.  But the star did not move.

     " It needs someone more. "  The toys looked at each other. 

     " Children."  Typed Ben.  Every toy rushed and woke their child.  There were children of all ages around the star from 3  to 19. " Wish." Typed Ben.  The children once they had been told about the Star's problem wished with all their hearts.  The Star waited with baited breath. 

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