Ben and Tony Bear Stories. Book 31. Ben is very tired.

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     Ben had a tummy ache.  He did not feel well at all.   Mummy put him on the school bus asleep as usual,  thinking that nothing was wrong.   Tony Bear sat on his lap and put his hand on Ben's hand.  Something was wrong with Ben, but  Tony Bear could not speak with all the grown ups around.  Ben slept on.  Very soon the school mini bus was full.  It was always a quiet trip, not many of the children could talk.  Each of them carried a toy, or had something to play with on the way to school.

     Very soon the bus arrived at school.  Debbie popped Tony Bear into his school bag.  Ben woke up and went with Debbie into school.  Ben rubbed his tummy as his teacher took his hand and led him to class.  Ben took his coat off and Tony Bear peeked through the gap at the top of his school bag.  Ben did not look too good.  As Tony Bear watched on,  Ben was sick all over the table.   The teacher cleaned him up, and went to call his Mum.  

     Ben did not feel good at all.  His stomach made a funny noise,  and as he stood up something ran down his leg.  The teacher got him into the toilet and cleaned him again, but as he stood up he was sick again.  Ben sat down.  Ben did not feel good at all. 

     Mummy came and took him home.  He was alright in the car, but soon after they got in, it happened again.  Both ends one after the other.  Mummy cleaned him up and gave him Tony Bear to cuddle.  Ben did not feel well at all.  

        Four days it went on.  The weekend was horrible.  The sick bowl was never far away.  At one point poor Tony Bear just happened to be in the wrong place.  Mummy took him down stairs and put him in the washing machine.  An hour so later, Tony Bear was all nice and clean again and smelt lovely.   Ben was glad to see him and gave him a big hug.   Soon after they both fell asleep.  Ben slept a lot and each time he woke he hoped to feel better but the tummy ache did not go away.   Ben still wanted to eat.  He had a pot of dessert and some dried cereal.  But each time is soon said bye bye to his tummy.  Ben did not understand that the bad pain in his belly was not the hungry feeling.  Tony Bear tried to explain to him that it was a tummy virus, but Ben did not understand.  All he knew was that his tummy hurt.

     Day five Ben woke up feeling a lot better.  His sides hurt a little but the tummy ache was gone.  Ben had to stay off school though for forty eight hours after the last bout of sickness or runny bum as his Mum called it.  Ben hated having runny bum and sickness.  It was not a nice thing to have. 

     For two days Ben sat and watched cartoons and adverts on his tablet.  He spelt words and discovered new things.  All of which he shared with Tony Bear.   Tony Bear, Mummy and Daddy kept him smiling.  And now and then Nanny phoned up to check on him.  Two days passed quickly and happily, now that he felt so much better.


     The day came for Ben and Tony Bear to go back to school.  Ben was really looking forward to seeing his friends again.  Mummy blew kisses and waved to  him.  "See you later." 

     All day she kept the phone by her expecting the school to call but they did not.  The mini bus bought Ben home asleep.  He had been asleep for forty minutes, roughly the whole trip home.  It was raining heavily as Mummy carried him quickly off the bus. 

     Ben picked up his tablet as Daddy took coat off, then he sat on Daddy's lap and curled up.  He was ever so tired.   

     But his tablet would not work.  The internet was not there again.  Ben sat and cried.  He was tired, it was raining and his tablet did not work.  Mummy took the tablet and got it working.  Every time Ben took the tablet though, it went back to not being there.  Ben sat and sobbed.  Tony Bear patted his hand.   Nothing was working right this evening.  The sky was black and heavy rain was falling from it and the internet did not like him.  Ben cried.  He was so tired all he wanted to do was watch his tablet and fall asleep but it was not working right.  Ben climbed off of Daddy's lap and went and sat with Mummy.  Mummy kept trying and finally the internet came on.  

      Mummy hugged him and stroked his hair to calm him down.   Tony Bear stroked his hand.  Ben finally stopped crying and lay his head against Mummy's shoulder.  Ben showed Tony Bear the adverts and Tony Bear laughed quietly. 

     Ben's eyes slowly closed as Mummy continued to stroke his hair.  

     Ben had had a good day at school.  Mummy had read in his home school book.  They had not let him do too much running about and had kept Ben doing sitting down stuff.  But Ben does not eat a lot, he eats very little.  So Ben gets tired easily.   Tony Bear does not eat.  He pretends to for Ben.  Tony Bear knows that food is energy.  It keeps us going, and keeps our bodies working and ticking over.   

     So Tony Bear cuddled up with Ben on the bed and went to sleep with him.  For Tony Bear knew that Ben needed to sleep too to get some of that energy back.  Sleeping along with eating, thought Tony Bear as he nodded of to sleep,  is a good thing to do too.

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