Ben and Tony Bear Stories. Book 38. Left Behind.

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     It was the start of the summer holidays. Mummy and Daddy had got the little caravan all packed up. The car was all packed up too. Mummy put Tony Bear, T.B and Toni Girl on top of the bag, ready to take out too the car along with Ben's doodoo. Daddy picked up the last of the bags and put them in the car. The bears went too, laying on top of Mummy's bag.

     Ben sat in the conservatory with his tablet. Tony Bear sat beside him. Both of them were very excited. This year Mummy had packed everything they needed and taken anything that they did not need from the caravan. This year she was prepared for anything. This year, for the first time ever Ben was totally well. Nothing was going to go wrong.

     Mummy checked round the house one more time Everything that had to be turned off was. Everything they needed had been packed. The house was tidy and all windows locked. They were ready to go. Mummy came down the stairs. She picked up the coats and gave them to Daddy.
     " Where is Ben?" Asked Mummy.
     " In the conservatory watching his tablet." Said Daddy.
     " Ben, come on it is time to go." Ben got up and ran excitedly to Mummy his tablet in his hand. Tony Bear sat up excitedly. It was holiday time. Mummy stood by the door waiting for him while Daddy took the coats out too the car. Mummy took Ben's hand and helped him down the steps. She shut the door and locked it.

     Ben climbed in and waited for Daddy to strap him in.
     " He is very eager, he did not wait for me too help him in this time" Said Daddy.
     " He is getting to be a big boy now." Said Mummy. Daddy passed over the seat belt too Mummy, Mummy did it up. Daddy got into the car and off they went with the little caravan behind them.

     Ben watched from the window now and then while doing his tablet. They were about half way to the holiday site when Ben started picking up the bears looking for Tony Bear and his doodoo but he could not find them. Ben moved the bags about looking for his bear and doodoo but there was no sign of them.
     "What are you looking for?" Asked Mummy. Ben got his tablet and typed Tony.
Mummy looked around the back seat. She moved the bags about and searched the back seat. She reached over the front seat and checked the bags there. There was no Tony Bear. " Daddy, I think we have forgotten Tony Bear."
     " We can't have." Said Daddy. " I loaded the bears on the bag up. They are all in the car."
     " No, they are not all here. Only T.B and Toni Girl are in the car." Daddy continued to drive. " We will have to wait till we get to the site and set up, then we will return and get Tony Bear if we are missing him."

     It was almost three when they reached the site. Mummy and Daddy set up the caravan and the awning tent. They looked in every bag for Tony Bear. There was no sign of him. Ben sat in the caravan sadly holding T.B and Toni Girl.
Daddy went up too Ben.
     " Can you do without Tony Bear for the night?" Asked Daddy. Ben looked at his bears then signed no.  Ben's bottom lip quivered.  " It's alright Ben. Don't cry son." 
     " We will have to go back and get Tony Bear." Said Mummy.
     " Is there a chance he could of dropped him somewhere?" Asked Daddy.
     " No," Said Mummy. " We did not stop any where, did we?"
     " We will go back then. " Said Daddy. Daddy locked up the carvan. Zipped up the awning and they all got back in the car. Daddy stopped at the gate and let security know that they would be late getting back. Daddy drove back home.

     Tony Bear sat in the conservatory. He looked sadly out the window. Ben had never left him behind before. Mompy and Old Brown Bear came down the stairs.
     " Shouldn't you be on holiday with Ben?" Asked Old Brown Bear. Tony looked down and nodded yes.
     " He forgot you, didn't he?" Said Mompy. Tony Bear looked sadly at him and nodded his head. Old Brown and Mompy climbed up onto the seat and sat with Tony Bear for a while.  They gave him a big hug.  " Ben will come back for you.  Don't you worry."  But Tony Bear did worry and he sat on the seat sadly looking out of the window.   Ben had never forgotten him before. It was starting to get dark outside. It looked like Ben was not coming back for him. He sat sadly with his head down on the seat, and a little tear rolled down his cheek.

     It took another two to three hours to get back. They left the site at four. Stopped at five for tea and got back on the road. It was nine at night and dark when they arrived home. Daddy unlocked the door. Ben burst through the door and ran straight into the conservatory.
" You came back for me." Said Tony Bear happily.  Ben smiled with tears in his eyes and nodded.   Ben grabbed his bear and put him beneath his neck, hugging him tightly. He grabbed his doodoo and chewed it happily. Ben was so happy to have Tony Bear back again, and Tony Bear was so happy that Ben had come back for him.  

     " It is too late to head back to the site." Said Daddy. " We will spend the night at home and then go back to the site in the morning." Mummy agreed that was the best thing to do. 

     In the morning Mummy gathered up the few bags they had and once more checked every thing was switched off. Once more they got into the car. This time Mummy made sure Ben had Tony Bear and his doodo, this time.

     " Take two on the Summer holiday." Said Mummy. Daddy started the car and started off. " Has everyone got everything this time?" She asked.
     " Oh no," Said Daddy, " I've forgotten my medicine." Daddy had got as far as the village shop. He did a right turn and went round the block back to the house. He rushed back in and got his medicine. He came out and got back in. " Got it. " Said Daddy, starting up the car and reversing it so that it was facing the right direction.
     " Okay, " said Mummy. " Take three of the summer holiday." And this time they were off on their way back to their little caravan and their summer holiday. And this time,  with Tony Bear and Daddy's medicine. Their family was once more complete.  And they looked forward to the rest of their summer holiday.  

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