Chapter 23

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Erin POV

When I got up I decided to make some breakfast for the others. I was going to make pancakes when all of a sudden I felt weird. (I'm sorry I don't know what happens.) I went to the bathroom and sat down for a second thinking. What is wrong? I was thinking then something hit my mind. Am I pregnant? I pulled out a pregnancy tester and tested. I waited a second then looked at the results. It read 'positive'. Oh my god I'm pregnant! I can't wait to tell Jordan he's going to love it! I got out of the bathroom and went back to the kitchen. Jordan was awake and in the kitchen making some eggs for the side.

"Hey Jordan?"

" Yes my love."

He turns around to face me smiling.

"I've got something to tell you."

I got close to him.

"What is it? Is everything okay?"

"It could never be better. I'm... I'm pregnant."

I looked at him smiling as he stood still for a second then he grabbed me and picked me up and swung me around.

"Really? That's awesome!"

Laughing I replied.

"I knew you would love it."

He set me down gently.

" I can't believe it. That's so awesome!"

" What's awesome?" Boo came in rubbing her eyes from the sleep. Jordan walked over to her.

"You're going to be an older sister."

" Really? Wow that's awesome!"

She started jumping up and down. For her age she's pretty mature. I can't believe it and neither can they. I'm going to have a baby!

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