Final Chapter

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Erin POV

(Time skip)

Its been 6 years after Mya was born. She has grown up to be a very beautiful and smart girl. Even as young as she is still she is a very good girl. Boo has grown up to also be good. She is a great sister. I can't believe how much time has passed. Ever since I met Jordan. All because of a reservation that went bad I ran into the man I would be spending the rest of my life with. I love him and he loves me. Watching our kids grow and watching as others grew themselves. It has been amazing. I can't believe how much things have changed. I remember a time where all of us were just a group of young adults having a good time playing games and just laughing and now we're older and our time has come. Now it is time for our kids to carry on our legends. And we will be able to watch them as they grow up. I can't wait.

Thank you everyone who read this book. Thank you, thank you, thank you. This the first book I started and the first I finished. It has been a long road but we've made it to the end. I hope you enjoyed. I most likely will make another one on them but nothing is for sure. I hope you enjoy my books and if you don't please let me know just not mean because I'd prefer not to report you. Thank you and goodbye for now.

Captainsparklez x Aureylian (Ended)Where stories live. Discover now