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Aureylian POV

I was laying in bed when I heard Jordan walk in.

"Hey are you okay?"

"Yeah just tired."

" Well okay, if you ever need anything just let me know."

"I will."

He walked out of the room. I wonder what its like to be married to Jordan. I don't know if he's any different from any other guy or if he is special. I love him and I don't want my heart to be broken. I hope he is special.

After I got up I went to see my friend, Anna. When I got there I knocked on the door. As I waited I her people talking and things being pushed around. Then she came to the door.

"Yes? Oh Erin how are you?"

She says it while putting her arm in the way of me walking in.

"I'm good how about you? Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm just fine."

She says while smiling.

"Are you sure nothing is going on?"

"Yeah of course... well maybe something happened."

"Come on cough it up."

" Okay so I met this guy."

"No way really!? Is he here?"

"Yeah you could say that. You can come out now!"

I see this guy fall out of the closet behind her.

"So this is the guy?"

"Yep I'm the guy."

"Good now you take care of her or I will hurt you."

"Don't worry I will take great care of her."

He says while putting his arms around her waist and spun her so they could kiss. I smile and turn to walk away. Well that was surprising.

Captainsparklez x Aureylian (Ended)Where stories live. Discover now