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She skipped her last class and hid until it was time for lunch. She walked quickly through the halls just like her father. Her cloak blowing in the wind and her hair did the same.

"Hi Draco! Dad?" She stood up and saw her father limping. She ran to him and knelt down. "Wait. Stop moving dad, please." She carefully looked at his leg. "Blood? Where did you get cut? And don't be a smart ass and say 'my leg' because I can clearly see that."

"Aren't I the parent?" He chuckled as he kneeled down on one knee. He grabbed his daughters hands and stood up. She was very small for her age; yet very strong and powerful.

"Let's get you cleaned up. I've dealt with many scars and cuts," her fathers smile faded. He knew she'd harm herself when she was at a very low point. He didn't know she'd pick up drinking and smoking as she'll got older.

"Are you going to the game today?" He asked as they walked to the dungeons. His daughter kept looking forward.

"Um.. no dad. I don't really like quidditch maybe not yet at least. But no. Tell me about it when you come back?" She suggested. Snape nodded and smiled as she finished healing him up.

"That's my girl," he chuckled as he got up and kissed the top of her head. He left the room leaving the 2nd year with books to read and homework to get done.

She loved the quiet. The sounds of water hitting the cold stone floor. Soft howling wind. The sound of the turning pages. She was in her own world. Ophelia Lucina Snape was nothing like her two best friends even though she fancied on of them. She loved being alone hiding in one of their secret passageways. For now the dungeons would do.

"Ember," she called her dragon. A rare type of dragon. A black and red dragon with sharp looking spikes on his body. He was very protective when her father or her friends weren't around. "I missed you."

The dragon was getting big and smuggling him out later would be hard. She always took him for a fly when everyone was in bed. Her father knew she'd be safe with him there. She flew beside him on her broom since he wasn't big enough yet to carry her yet.

"Almost time okay? Hang in there my beautiful creature," she kissed its head and the dragon laid around the chair in a protective way. She continued to work until her father came into the room. "How was it!" Not caring of her father was tired of the walk.

He sat across from her and told her what happened.

"Am I supposed to feel bad for the boy? Or... look if I'm being honest I don't care about Potter. We lost," She groaned in frustration. Her father smiled and got to work.

"See you at dinner," he told her. She sighed and nodded before leaving. Her dragon roared loudly as she left. She tried to keep her typical icy glare as she walked passed a group of students.

"Snape is hiding something in there!" One Ravenclaw boy said as he walked by.

"It's Professor Snape to you, boy! Get away from here! This section is out of bounds anyway!" She shouted. She rolled her eyes and continued to walk upstairs.

"OPHELIA! LIA!! LUCINA!!!" She heard someone shout. She looked back and saw Draco running towards her. She stood her ground and raised her brow at him. His hands on his knees as she tried to catch its breath.

"Mum.... said... if... you... oh Merlin wait," he panted, he took a deep breath and straightened himself out. "Mum said if you want to have tea with her in a few minutes?"

"My dad said... sure. Yes, I do," she said and she followed Draco to the Slytherin common room. It was empty and he had taken a bit of floo powder and gave it to her. "Malfoy Manor!"

She arrived at Malfoy manor and Lucius and Narcissa along with Dobby their house-elf stood waiting for her.

"Hi?" She was confused at this point.

"I knew it was you! I just knew it! My sweet girl!" Narcissa almost pounced on her as she attacked Ophelia with a large hug. Lucius smiled at her. SMILED?! What the Salazar Slytherin is going on here?

"What?" She chuckled nervously. Narcissa looked at her husband and back at her.

"I'm your mum! Didn't your father tell you? Before Lucius and I got together: I was with your father, Severus. We didn't work out but I was pregnant with you! And I named you Ophelia Lucina Snape. You're so beautiful," She said with a smile but it quickly faded as she saw the look on Ophelia's face.

"What? I'm a Snape. Not a Malfoy. No offense Mr. Malfoy but my dad said my mum was blond and had- oh wow.." she said before she fainted.

Her father would have a lot of explaining to do. He told her that her mother disappeared she's ago when she was born. Being born with pitch black hair but only 2 white strands was rare but didn't expect to be Draco's half-sister. She didn't feel her body hit the ground so she knew someone caught her. She wanted her father. She didn't expect to be Narcissa's daughter!

(Love how Narcissa can be straight up. She ain't holding back! Love the energy sis)

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