Oh What a Surprise

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Weeks after their wedding, Ophelia has been getting morning sickness. Fenrir has been getting worried about her. Her mother scheduled an appointment to see the doctor later today.

She was in the shower getting ready for her appointment. She felt dizzy and tired but paid no mind.

"Darling? Are you alright?" Fenrir asked as he walked in the bathroom.

"Yea, just sick. I'll be fine," she tried to convince herself more than him. He smiled weakly and helped her get ready. He noticed her belly get a little bigger. He tilted his head and placed his hand on it.

"Wait," he grabbed her hand and leaned his ear near her stomach. It was there where he used his wolf hearing. He heard a little pitter patter. He smiled at himself. "Never mind. I thought I sensed something."

She laughed in a confused manner and kissed him before grabbing her wand and cloak.

"Let's go, mum. I'm getting tired already," she groaned. Narcissa and Ophelia got into a black carriage and headed to a muggle hospital.

They waited for an hour until a hall lady came out and finally called her name.

"Mrs. Greyback, you may come in now," she said nicely. People turned and murmured to each other at the sound of her surname. She ignored it and walked behind the nurse.

After doing some tests she waited patiently yet nervously in the white room. Narcissa squeezed her hand.

"Deep breaths," she said calmly. Ophelia nodded and did as she was told. The nurse came back in with a huge grin plastered across her face.

"So? Anything horrible?!" Ophelia said as she stood up from the leather mattress they had covered in a white paper sheet.

"No. But good news Mrs. Greyback. You're 5 weeks pregnant! Congratulations!" The nurse congratulated her. Ophelia's jaw dropped.

"Mum! I'm pregnant!" She said in excitement and fear in one.

"AAHHHH!! I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU! We need to tell your fathers' and your husband!" Narcissa squealed in delight. The nurse gave her a black and white picture called an 'ultrasound'.

"Thank you," Ophelia said kindly and put her cloak back on and walked out the hospital.

Both ladies had a long way to go to get back home. They looked at each other with smiles on their faces. Ophelia broke the silence with a laugh.

"How am I going to tell, Fenrir?" She laughed rather nervously then fear snapped. "HOW THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO TELL MY HUSBAND!" She began to panic.

"My dear! Relax! You can't stress yourself. It's bad for the baby!" Her mother tried to calm her.

"Calm down?! Mum! I'm 19 and pregnant!" She began to sob. "Don't get me wrong I'm happy but what the fuck?!"

"You really are your mother's daughter," Narcissa laughed. "That was my reaction when I was pregnant with you. I got with Lucius when I was 3 months pregnant and he didn't mind it. Severus obviously visited and once you were born he took you. I told him too. Don't make that mistake with him or her."

"Mum, I would love nothing more than for this baby to be born with many people to protect them. They're a Greyback!" She said happily. She placed her right hand on her stomach and smiled.

As they arrived in the front of the Manor the front large doors swung open. Fenrir was practically skipping 5 steps to reach her.

"You are aren't you!" He yelled as he still ran to her. Merlin he was a slow runner. All the leather was weighing him down.

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