A Cry for Help

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She picked herself up from the ground and checked her pocket watch. Dinner has come to a close and everyone was going to their dorms. She walked to the sink and washed her face. Her knuckles were bleeding and dripping down her fingers. She didn't like what she was looking at in the mirror and socked it so hard it shattered.

"Dad was right. Love only gets you vulnerable," she said to herself. She walked out the door and had her icy glare looking more deadly. Her hair was a bit messy and her eyes were red. People moved out of her way as she walked.

"Ophelia?" She heard Ginny's voice call her name. She turned and Ginny was with a group of Gryffindors.

"Ginny," she smiled, "Can you get me something?" Ginny nodded. Ophelia told Ginny is she can get some firewhiskey from Fred's friend. She told Ophelia to wait outside the common room. After what felt like forever she gave Ophelia 3 bottles of it.

"Thanks Gin. It's for my father," she lied and rushed to her dorm.

She didn't share a dorm with other girls like the rest did. She had a room all to herself. She sat by her large window and saw merpeople in the Black Lake. Her room glowed a green colour as she spelled it to show some light. She opened the firewhiskey and drank straight from the bottle. After drinking half she pulled out her cigarette packet.

"I guess cousin Sirius isn't the only one with bad habits," she told herself as she looked out the window. She lit the cigarette and took a puff. Her body left at ease. She winced as she opened and closed her hands. "Stupid fists!"

She finished her cigarette and walked around her room. She made her way to her piano and sat down.

"Wise men say
Only fools rush in,
But I can't help, falling in love with you.
Wise men say
Only fools rush in,
But I can't help, falling in love with you.
But I can't help, falling in love with youuuuu
Aaahhhhhh aaaahhhhh
With youuuu
But I'm a fool, for falling in love with you," she kept playing the piano until anger took over.

She kicked the piano chair away from her and picked it up before throwing it at her vanity letting out an angry grunt. The glass shattered and the chair fell to the ground. Her perfumes and glass items she once owed shattered as they hit the ground. The sound of things falling and yelling filled the empty common room. She opened her door with so much force the pictures she had on the wall fell and broke. It was 2am and didn't care if anyone woke up. The 5th years and up got out their rooms too see what was going on.

"Ophelia?" Draco pushed passed the crowd they all stood at the doorway as the 5th year trashed her room. She let out a piercing angry scream mixed with sadness which sounded much like a roar. A gust of wind appeared out of nowhere and black magic began to surround her body like a flame.

"Ophelia!!" Draco was about to run in to help calm her but was stopped by Snape. He walked in the room towering over his daughter. She looked up at him. Her fists were still bleeding more than before dripping down her fingers and into the floor. Blood was in her clothes. Her father pulled her in for an embrace where she cried in his arms.

"Who did this to you my dear?" He asked. Everyone stood outside her room waiting to see who was responsible for hurting their favorite Slytherin.

"George Weasley cheated on me! With fucking Angelina Johnson!" she sobbed. She didn't care if she let anyone know. She was upset and lost the boy that made her happy. "I loved him and he cheated on me. He- he used me!"

Her sobs broke everyone in the Slytherin common room. The quiet Slytherin was now completely broken. The tension of anger rose in every guy there.

"He'll pay for leaving you sister. We'll burn his home to the ground! We'll hurt him the way he hurt you. That's a promise," Draco said through gritted teeth. He looked over at Vincent and Gregory and gave them a nod.

"We'll shut off your emotions for now. It'll hurt," Snape whispered to his daughter. She shook her head.

"I'm already hurt. Make it go away," her voice cracked.

"As of tonight! Every single one of you will protect my daughter. Use your anger on the quidditch field! Give every single Gryffindor HELL!" Snape shouted. His voice filled with anger. With a flick of his wand his daughter fell limb into his arms.

"What'd you do?" Draco asked her father as he laid her on the bed.

"I shut off her emotions. To close friends and family she will be able project her feelings but only to us. Not to the ones who hurt her. They automatically become nothing to her," Snape told Draco as he flicked his wand again to clean up the room. Snape found her cigarette packets and whiskey bottles.

"She's drinking now too and smoking! How hurt is she?!" Draco snapped. Snape sighed and pointed his want at his daughter.

"Legilimency," one hundred different memories of his daughter crying, breaking down, screaming, and hurting herself flashed as he looking into her mind. The memory of her constant apologies to George as he walked off looking angry. Her hidden relationship was hurting her more than ever. All this was her letting her emotions go. She was holding in so much.

Snape got out of her mind and sat at the edge of her bed.

"You will do your best as her brother to keep her safe and you as her friend," Viktor bowed his head and looked at Ophelia.

"You like her," Draco said out loud. Viktor looked at him and nodded.

"Since I met her. She is different. I vant to protect her like those dragons do," he admitted.

"She'll need to rest. Out," Snape ordered the two boys. They closed the door behind them leaving Snape alone with his daughter. "I promised you no one was ever going to harm you." He took off his cloak and placed it over his daughter to add another layer of warmth. Her fists were wrapped in bandages so the bleeding would stop and her face was stained with tears.

"I once said; Only fools rush in,
But you can't help falling in love with them," Snape sang to his daughter and he laid next to her. She rested her head on his chest and he wrapped his arms around her. "I won't let anyone hurt you again. Understand my dear, that love will hurt. You're too young for it now. Don't rush to grow up. Act your age. Be the smartest witch. A dragon queen. Those dragons need you more than a man!"

He fell asleep to the sound of her soft breathing. He tightened his grip on her as if she'd slip away. He couldn't bare leaving her alone in her time of need.

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