10 Years Later

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Alcamy was put in Ravenclaw for her smartness and love for books. She passed every exam she was given and will be able to graduate early. She's fascinated in working at the Ministry and her best friend is Rose Weasley and Victorie Weasley.

Achilles was put in Slytherin for his ambition and cunningness. Like his sister he's smart and has a change to move up. He also wants to work on The Care for Dangerous Creatures. Like his mum he has a dragon. Chinese Fireball. A bright red dragon with sharp fangs and horns. He's friends his Albus Potter and Teddy Tonks-Lupin.

Ophelia and Fenrir Greyback are Aurors. Both don't hunt down Death Eaters as they promised. They keep them in hiding and have them take down other dark witches and wizards. The dragon Queens army of dragons got bigger. After a while they made Fred and George godparents of Alcamy and Achilles. Two dark wizard twins with two pranksters don't go together since the twins make their pranks stronger and better than the Weasley's.

Fred was thankful Ophelia helped him in the war. He couldn't bare leaving his twin behind.

People can finally celebrate and say the Dark Lord is gone for good. Ophelia and her alpha husband control every werewolf I the country. Something Fenrir always wanted to do.

Greyback Manor was dark and spooky. No muggles dared come near it. It's been told it was haunted when it's really Alcamy, Achilles and Fenrir howling at night. They even go outside at night to scare people off. The twins she adopted are professors at Hogwarts and spend a lot of time there than at home.

Ever since the war they got close to the Weasley's again. Especially Ophelia. Remus was married to Tonks which still broke Ophelia's heart since her cousin loved the man.

Everyone was alright and better than ever. Now they didn't have to worry about being summoned by a bald evil wizard. The lot of them still had their dark marks. They stayed dark black and visible and didn't care. It let people know they were on the dark side but are turning a new leaf. Well some more than others. Scabior married a muggle and has 3 children. And the werewolf pack can now spend time with their mates and family.

"You won't let us fall right mum?" Alcamy said as she got on her first broom. Her brother was a natural at quidditch but his twin not so much.

"We got you my dear," Fenrir chuckled. She rose a little from the ground and gripped the broom.

"Promise!" She shrieked and slammed her eyes shut.

"Always," they said in unison.

(And that my loves is the end of my story! I made Narcissa and Snape remarry at the end since Lucius got put in Azkaban for being a death eater. Draco got married to Astoria and she DIDNT DIE!😂 I'm not fucked up.

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