Memories Return

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Bellatrix LeStrange was out of Azkaban along with many other Death Eaters. She finally killed her own cousin Sirius Black. Draco was becoming more and more scared. He was the youngest Death Eater of the lot. His stepsister Ophelia being at age was a key for her to start off the war. Her dragons were now more powerful than before and killing them would be harder. Not even the killing curse can kill them. If Ophelia falls. All 5 dragons fall with her. They will rain hell upon the wizardry world and the muggle world just for their fallen queen.

"Ophelia. You're going back to school. You must hurry dear," her father called from the locked door. Ophelia sat at her desk and sent her letter to Viktor. A year and a half with him and their love grows everyday.

"Coming father. I'm already packed. I'll be down in a few," she stood up and grabbed her trunk. Her last year in Hogwarts and now she didn't have the twins to be there since they dropped out. She looked at herself in the mirror and her once bright blue eyes were darker. Her hair was a darker black if it were possible and the white strands stood out more than before. Her long lashes complimented her perfectly shaped dark black brows. Her full lips were now tainted black with lipstick. Her black normal attire got darker and her power got stronger. Now she had her dark mark on her left forearm. Great.

She walked out the room only to be met up half way by Bellatrix.

"Slept well my beautiful niece!" She beamed. Ophelia rolled her eyes.

"Yes auntie. Where's Stormborn, Severus, Ember, Agni, and Azrail? Normally the runt: Azrail; wakes me up," Ophelia asked as she looked at every window she passed by.

"Out a hunt. They saw wild animals," Bella practically squealed. Was she always this perky and happy?

"Thanks. I best be off. My father wants me on the platform," Ophelia made up an excuse. She had an hour left. She just wanted to get away from her aunt.

"Bye my sweet!" Bellatrix smiled and kissed the top of her head. Ophelia rolled her eyes and disapparated to Spinners End.

"Dad? Father, where are you?" Ophelia called out.

"In the storage room!" Her father yelled out. She sighed happily and ran down. She had comfortable looking black gown with chains on the corset and a hidden daggers on the dress. She had her wand in her pocket and her black cloak as black as ever.

"Why are you here? We have things to do," Ophelia said as she picked up a vile of black liquid. She tucked it in her pocket and smiled at her father. He smiled back.

"Yes, my dear I know. You must stay away from the Dark Lord," he bluntly says.

"Dad, he's scared of me. Besides, Tom can't hurt me," she simply says as she grabs her fathers belongings. He was about to say something but stopped himself and stared at his daughter.

"What?" She asked. He looked at her hands. And back at her face.

"A woman should never carry bags and never open doors. Now place it down!" He sternly said. She giggled and placed his bags down. He smiled and grabbed his own bag including hers and got in the fireplace.

"Platform nine and three quarters!" He clearly said. She followed right after. After being in Durmstrang and learning their techniques she learned how to protect herself without magic.

Her gown matched her pale complexion perfectly. It hugged her body and every curve she had.

"Draco," she called out. He turned around. He looks taller than before. Full black suit and his hair laid perfectly.

"Hey sis. Ready?" He said as he gave her a hug.

"Always," she said coldly. Both were told not to show very much emotion like before which was easy for Ophelia. They didn't argue. Draco was mostly scared than his sister. They linked arms and got in the train.

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