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Ophelia woke up in her fathers living headquarters. She went to wash up and get ready. She wore a silver dragon ring with green diamond eyes that her father gave her and a silver Malfoy crest ring Narcissa got her.

"Ophelia Lucina Snape-Malfoy," she told her reflection as she combed her straight hair, "I like it!" She tied her black converse and grabbed her cloak and walked out her fathers room.

"Morning my dear," her father told her as she got downstairs.

"Morning dad," she beamed. She hugged her father and drank her tea before going back to the common room to get Draco, Blaise, Vincent, and Gregory.

"Morning Snape or should I say Malfoy?" Blaise said with a smirk. She rolled her eyes and sat by Draco.

"Snape. For now at least," she smiled and looked over at her brother, "Let's go I'm hungry!"

"Ophelia. I vanted to apologize for last night. I did not mean to frighten you," Viktor apologized as he bowed. Ophelia lifted his head by his chin.

"It's okay. Next time give me a warning before you put hands on me. I want you to meet someone special to me," she smiled. Viktor tilted his head and smiled back at the girl.

"Boyfriend?" Viktor said aloud causing Draco and his goons to turn around. Ophelia's eyes widened and began to laugh.

"Oh please! A boyfriend? No thanks," she laughed. She caught George's eye and he rolled his eyes and continued to talk to his twin.

"Hello, Snape," a different voice called out. Ophelia turned around and a Hufflepuff was standing a few feet away.

"If it isn't Cedric Diggory. The bravest Hufflepuff I know," she dropped her fake smile, "What?" She snapped. He walked around her and she kept her icy glare.

"Heard you had a little panic attack. Daddy came to save you. I would've helped you, darling," he teased with a hint of his way of flirting.

"Heard you ended up in the Hospital Wing. Daddy came to see you," she mocked. She pulled out her wand and green magic shot out of her wand without her saying it first.

"Lucina!" Draco rushed to her side and saw the boy on the ground clutching his stomach groaning and moaning.

Severus Snape and the other Professors surrounded the boy. Snape stood behind his daughter.

"I didn't even say the spell dad! My wand it just shot it!" She yelled in defense. Dumbledore looked amused yet worried.

"Non-verbal magic. Her powers are growing Severus. I warned you this would happen," Dumbledore told her father.

"Take Ophelia to Ember," Snape told Draco. His goons follow him and Ophelia out the castle.

The 6 walked out and were at the front of the dark forest. Ophelia whistled loudly it echoed. A moment of silence was taken by growling.

"Ember! My love. Something happened," Ophelia told.. nothing but trees and darkness. Draco was about to approach her until 5 dragons surrounded her in a protective manner.

"Ophelia!" Viktor yelled. His wand in hand ready to attack.

"Down Ember he won't hurt me. He's kind," Ophelia whispered to her dragon. Ember rose and growled at the others. They surrounded Ophelia's friends and laid down.

"Wow. So you're like a dragon whisperer?" Vincent Crabbe asked. Ophelia shook her head.

"More like a dragon queen," she said proudly as the dragons nodded in agreement, "Come on. We'll go for a fly! Pick a dragon. Viktor come with me."

Viktor quickly got on Ember and wrapped his arms around Ophelia's waist.

"Să zboară iubirile mele!" The dragons kicked off the ground with Ember as their alpha.

"This is amazing!" Pansy cried with glee as she held onto Draco. Vincent looking terrified and Gregory looked happy on Embers dragon friend.

"Hold on tight, Krum," she smiled he did as he was told and Emeber began flying faster and higher than the rest. "Ember catch me." She let go of his scales and Viktor held on tighter as he saw Ophelia fall off the dragon.

Ember roared and dove down. Ophelia looked at Viktor and winked. Ember pulled up and caught Ophelia with his claws. He gently placed her down before he landed next to her. The other dragons flew down and bowed to their master.

"You're bloody crazy!" Viktor exclaimed as he jumped of Ember and ran to Ophelia pulling her into a bone crushing hug. "You look fine."

"You don't look so bad yourself Krum," she giggled. Draco laughed at the blushing boy and caught Pansy before she fell off the Chinese Fireball dragon.

"She's a catch isn't she brother," Ophelia teased. Draco blushed as he lowered Pansy to her feet. She laughed and waved goodbye to her dragon.

They all walked closely together back to the cast and in time for dinner. George kept eyeing Krum and his girlfriend or not girlfriend as she kept saying. He was with her since her second year and no one knew about them. He was getting tired of hiding and that's one thing Ophelia didn't know.

"Why does Weasley keep staring at you?" Draco asked her. She looked at the Gryffindor table and locked eyes with George.

"Don't know and I don't care. I'll be back. I need to head to the loo," she got up and motioned George to to the same. He got up and followed her out. They got to the girls lavatory and Ophelia closed the door.

"Draco's getting suspicious with all your staring," she got straight to the point. No hug. No kiss. Nothing.

"He should be! But I have something to tell you. I made a mistake," George began to tell her. Ophelia stood her ground and looked up at the boy. She was never the one to fold when a man or boy would start to look 'scary' or tough.

"Whatever you did mustn't be that huge" She chuckled, "But my family is not like yours. I shouldn't even be with you! That's why I've been hiding out relationship from the lot,"

"Maybe you're right! I don't want to be with someone who can't even express how she feels and just yells or gets mad and even flinches at any movement! And I want to be with you in public and not see you with other boys!" He yelled. Ophelia stood in front of the ginger without anything to say.

"I don't do friends or groups because people leave! They tell me they love me! They act like they'll be with me forever and when I'm at my lowest THEY HURT ME AND LEAVE!" She shouted back. Tears in her eyes but she didn't allow them to fall. "I will not let you stand there and tell me this BULLSHIT! Just so you can leave. So do me and my messed up feelings a favour and leave or stay with me and wait until we can be together."

"I don't want to wait, Ophelia!" His voice broke.

"And I can't just waltz in there with you! WE AREN'T FRIENDS!" She said as her anger arose.

"Then we're done," he chuckled with anger.

"W-what? N-no you cant leave me.... I- I need you," she told him.

"You don't need me!" George yelled.

"YOU MAKE ME HAPPY!" Her eyes burning with tears.

"YOU DON'T MAKE ME HAPPY! Merlin you could be so selfish! I'm glad I cheated on you with Angelina a few days ago. No. Correction I'VE BEEN cheating on you with her! She actually told me she loved me. And unlike you she isn't a slimy snake dragon loving freak!" He began to walk out and turned around, "Oh and one other thing. I should've left you a long time ago! Your brother is Draco Malfoy! One of the most bitchiest wizards I know! Your father is completely heartless and you..... well you were just supposed to be a booty-call! WHO NEVER LET ME FUCK!" he slammed the lavatory door. She fell to the floor and let the tears fall.

"What the fuck?!" she mumbled as she let her sadness and anger rise. Her quiet sobs echoed in the lavatory. She then got angry and began to hit the stone floor in frustration. She socked the ground till her knuckles bled and bruised.

(George Weasley is now officially my least favorite. Yeaa.... what a bitch)

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