She Doesn't Like That

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Ophelia's POV

Her eyes shot open as she recognized that voice. She pushed herself off her fathers grasp and stomped closer to the man. Anger filled her eyes.

"You just don't know when to quit not do you?!" She spat. She got closer and the other Death Eaters stood up. She slapped his wand out of his hand and a snake hissed. She looked down at the floor to see a huge python. She whistled and her dragon swung his tail breaking part of the room so he could be seen. He roared loudly. He was calling the others.

"The girl who slapped me," he snake man chuckled. "At home at last!" She slapped him again and everyone's eyes were widened.

"Listen to me here, Blady! You obey my rules, you obey my orders! If I'm interrupted at any moment-" she began until a Death Eater messed up.

"Who are you?" He asked. Severus looked at the man with a 'you're dead' look. Ember rammed his head in and got ahold of the mans arm. He screamed and shouted. Hitting Ember in the nose. This got him angry. He tossed the man in the air while the others watch and was quickly eaten by Severus. Her second favorite dragon.

"If I'm interrupted at any moment. I'll feed you to them. You can run but they'll find you. They can't be killed even with the killing curse. It's not powerful enough. Hurt my dragons. I'll hurt you!" She said in a cold tone. The room stayed quiet.

"Or you should just surrender. AND WHY IS THIS 10 year old speaking to me?!" Voldemort shouted.

"I'M 16 YOU BALD BASTARD! And the only thing I will be waving is your decapitated head on a stick in front of your weeping followers!" Ophelia looked directly at his followers.

"Oh Merlin," Narcissa whispered under her breath. Severus looked at his ex girlfriend and raised his brow.

"Mixing both Snape and Black-Malfoy blood wasn't a good idea. We have a temper," Ophelia told her parents. Lucius stared at the two.

"Malfoy's are ruthless," Lucius said randomly.

"But Blacks' were raised to be disowned and dishonest. It's the honest ones you want to watch out for. You never know when they'll do something incredibly... stupid," Ophelia told her stepfather. He nodded as he breathed out a 'ahhh good point'. 5 dragons roared loudly outside. Ophelia stood by the broken window and wall.

"I'm sȳz.  I'm kesīr sir.  Nyke miss Vik naejot sagon drēje," she told Ember who was staring at Stormborn. Stormborn had beautiful white scales with a light blue belly and light blue under her wings. She absolutely beautiful. She was the only girl and Ember was captivated by her. He growled lightly as he looked at Ophelia.

"She can talk to dragons?" Voldemort asked her father. Ophelia turned and made eye contact with Severus.

"Yes my Lord and to snakes," he said confidently. Ophelia did a little bow and grabbed onto her dragon. He waited until she sat on his back and rose in the air.

"I'm going to see Vik. I'll be back before school starts. I miss him," she told her father. He nodded and smiled slightly at his daughter.
She flew off at great speed and headed to Durmstrang Institute.

2 days worth flying just to see her love. She jumped off Embers back and knocked on the great doors. A very muscular boy. He grabbed her by the neck and quickly walked her through the corridors.

"Viktor! Te ne se otnasyat s uvazhenie kŭm vashata kralitsa!" Alexei shouted. Boys turned around to see the tall boy clutching a petite girl.

"Makhnete mrŭsnite si rŭtse ot neya!" A deep voice shouted. Ophelia looked up to see Igor and Viktor marching up to her. She smiled and got out of the boys grip and ran to her boyfriend. Without hesitation he picked her up and kissed her deeply.

"She is a very loved guest! Next time you grab her like that, I won't hesitate to throw you out for the night. Good luck surviving!" Igor told the boy. She had her legs wrapped around his torso and her arms wrapped around his neck. He supported her up by her thighs and held onto her tight.

"I got you," he whispered in her ear.

"I trust you," she whispered back. She felt him smile as he kissed her neck softly. She gasped and got to her feet. He bowed and extended his arm. Once she took it he gave her a tour.

Another boy ran in front of them. He was sweating and panting. He bowed and took Ophelia's hand and kissed it. Ophelia forced a smile and looked at the ground.

"Are you alright my dear? And why are you hanging out with little Viktor" The boy asked. Ophelia looked up at the boy with a deadly glare.

"Don't. Ever. Call. Him. That," Ophelia threatened through gritted teeth. He smirked and pushed Viktor with all his strength making him fall to the ground. Guys around gasped and stood up looking angry.

"Seriously princess, come with me," he chuckled. Ophelia pointed her wand to her throat.

"Sonorus," she said loudly and clearly, "Ember, emi iā qrinuntys." Everyone stood still. They looked up at their ceiling and heard loud flapping. The castle shook as something rather huge landed on it.

"What's that?! Who'd you call!" The boy grabbed her by the neck instantly giving it a tight grip. She put her hands on his trying to pry him off. She was pinned to a wall.

"Bad move," she grunted. "He's choking nyke! jēlēbagon se dīnagon!" Her dragon flew up again and swung his tail. The tower they were in was destroyed leaving half of its ruin. He growled angrily and smoke began to come out of his mouth.

"He will only hurt you if you don't let go of her," Viktor said. Ophelia kept her eyes on her dragon. The boy let go of her throat and put her hand to it. She was on all 4s gasping for air.

"Down boy," she said softly. The dragon didn't move. He came closer and helped her up. Viktor got to her left side and supported her.

"I'm sorry," he whispered. She kissed him softly and leaned her head on his chest.

"I'm okay. I promise," she said sweetly. He stick out his arm for her to take. Which she gladly did. Little did he know was a war was coming and his girlfriend was on the side of evil to protect her father.

(Damn. She got mood swings. Man... istg I'ma make a lil twist in the war. I'ma kill one of the twins tho pew pew! That's what he gets! George you dumb as hell in my dr. Btw this is all from it. Yea. Some wicked dreams I got alv😂)

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