First Task

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Ophelia walked into the great hall and every 5th year Slytherin and up smiled at her as she sat down. She had no memory of what happened the night before. She liked being given attention. She didn't mind being asked 20 questions everyday as she walked to class. Draco, Pansy, and Viktor became more protective.

"Morning Ophelia," Pansy smiled as she handed her an apple.

"Good morning, Pansy. Want to study with me later? I was looking at new spells and we can take my dragon for a ride," She beamed.

"Uh a day with you and Ember? I'm so in!" Pansy chuckled, "You have to sit by me during the tournament."

"Okay," Ophelia looked at the teachers table and smiled at her father. He smiled back and nodded. She got up and grabbed Pansy's hand. The two girls got closer during summer by spending nights at each other's houses.

They ran into the arena where the first take will take place. Ophelia looked around before she bend down to feel the ground.

"Dragons," she mumbled. Pansy walked over to her.

"How do you know?" She asked as she looked around. "Oh!" She looked at Pansy who had her mouth covered with her hands. She looked in her direction and saw chains.

"They're chaining them up!? They aren't monsters!" Ophelia's blood boiled. She hated seeing dragons being seen as dangerous. Students began to enter the arena. She made her way to a seat and waited patiently for her father.

Once she saw her father she gave him a 'we need to talk later' look. He raised his brow and nodded once. A roar got her attention and looked over to see Cedric battle his dragon. She was worried: not for the boy but for the dragon. Just then 4 little dragons crawled on her lap. They looked identical to the ones she hid for the tournament. She looked at her father who was already looking at her. She couldn't help but smile and mouthed 'Thank you!'

"YOUR WAND HARRY USE YOUR WAND!" She heard someone shout. She rolled her eyes as she saw Hermione Granger nearly leaping over the stand.

"Pathetic little mudblood," Pansy spat. Ophelia scoffed and agreed.

"Always drooling at him," she whispered to Pansy. Pansy giggled and gasped. Ophelia looked back into the arena to see the dragon breaking its chain. "Oh shit! DAD!" Snape ducked just in time before getting hit by the dragons tail.

"He did that on purpose!" Pansy yelled. Ophelia looked to see the dragon chase after Harry.

"He scared her. That's why she's after him. He's trying to take her egg. Dragons are very protective of family and their mates. She'll kill him," Ophelia told Pansy. After a long silence Ophelia heard a loud cry. "It's hurt!" She whistled loudly and jumped off the stands and landed inside the arena.

"Ophelia get out of there!" Her father shouted. She kept running and jumped off the edge in front of everyone. Everyone gasped. She then reappeared on her dragons back.

"Ember jikagon sir!" Ember wasted no time and flew to the dragons cry. She was badly hurt and bleeding, clipped wing and broken bones. "She won't make it. Īlon won't mazverdagon ziry." Ember huffed and let out a loud roar. The small dragons flew beside Ophelia and roared.

She stood up and Ember flew back to the field and landed safely. The other dragons got lose and flew in a large circle above Ophelia.

"The queen of dragons," Dumbledore whispered.

"She just tamed those dragons!"

"Better than your brother Weasley's!"

"You killed an innocent dragon!" Ophelia yelled. She got off her dragon and the rest waited for her command as they flew in place looking down at the scenery. "You're going to be praised as a dragon survivor when you killed a MOTHER!" Her blood was boiling. Fred and George got in front of Harry.

"Get lost-" Fred started.

"-You little snake," George finished. Every 5th year and 7th year Slytherin boy made their way and stood by Ophelia.

"3 against... all of us. Not a fair fight is it. Plus dragons that won't hesitate to fry your arses with their mother- my sister in command," Draco said as he stood by his sister. Ophelia stood her ground.

"Enough! Slytherins away from here! Gryffindors to your tower!" Dumbledore chimed in. Ophelia got back on her dragon.

"If anything goes wrong. I know what side I'm on," she smiled and flew off. Her new dragons sat on Embers back and the other 4 dragons right behind.

Fred's POV

"I thought she was on your girlfriend?" Harry asked as he looked at George.

"We- I broke up with her a couple nights ago. I heard she lost control of her temper and her dorm was trashed. That's why her dragons and her year is very protective. They won't let me near her. I love her but I couldn't hide much longer! I was angry! I hurt her and now she's cold!" George shouted. Someone laughed and they looked over to see Draco.

"She never loved you. Viktor Krum likes her. I think she fancies him as well. Maybe she moved on not remembering the thought of being with you," Draco said he smirked and walked off. Leaving the ginger in his thoughts. Did George make the right choice to move on or did he lose the only girl he loves?

Ophelia's POV

She landed her dragons unaware of her brother staying back and getting into her ex's head. She didn't care either. All the feelings she once had for him got shut down. Permanently with her fathers help. Severus didn't want his daughter to deal with her heartbreak. He made it seem like George never existed in her point of view.

"I'll see you soon. Potter still has 2 more tasks. You'll be safe back in Romania. I'll owl Charlie. Ember I'll need your help to raise these baby dragons. Would you mind?" Ember sniffed the dragons and they flew on him. Ember growled playfully while the other dragons watched.

What a way to go on with her day.

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