Almost Time

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Months passed and their wedding was a week away. Fenrir and Ophelia spent every minute they had together. They talked through the nights and days walking around the Manor. They spent hours in the library just for Ophelia's liking. She's read every book in that library that her mother Narcissa had to find and get more books for her to read.

"Your mother wants to see if you're ready to go dress shopping?" Severus asked his daughter.

"Yes, dad. I'll be down in a few. I'm just nervous," she admitted. Severus chuckled as he went into the room and closed the door.

"You'll be fine. You'll have me and Lucius there to with you. Your husband as well and all the other werewolves. Your dragons and of course every Death Eater," Severus told her as he grabbed both of her hands gently.

"Promise me you won't let me fall," she whispered.

"I promise," he kissed the top of her head and waited for her to take his arm. She linked her arm with his and both walked down the stairs and to the fireplace. Narcissa ran to her daughter and hugged her tight. She wore a green emerald dress that hugged her figure. Black heels and her hair was in a beautiful up-do.

"Let's get going. We want to get you fitted and to check on the reception letter today. Your dad needs his suit and so does your other... father and brother. Your husband as well. UGH SO MUCH TO DO!" She yelled in frustration.

"Are you sure it's my wedding?" Ophelia joked. Severus and Narcissa laughed at their daughter. Severus kissed her head again and helped her in the fireplace. Flooing to the boutique was faster than a carriage and they had no time to waste.

They entered the boutique and quickly got to work. The ladies helped measure her waist, height, arms and legs.

Ophelia picked the darkest and her favorite colour for her dress. Beautiful black gemstones were added to the top corset. A see through cape was added as well since she didn't want to miss the warmth of her cloak. It was a royal gown. She loved the way it hugged her small waist. She spun around and smiled at her reflection.

"This is perfect. Thank you," she told the ladies. They bowed and helped her out the dress and put it on display. The note read: Ophelia Lucina Greyback. The Dragon Queen.

She smiled at the note and quickly got into her black attire which always matched her pale complexion.

She went to many other shops for gifts and centerpieces.

"Almost time!" Her mother squealed. Ophelia smiled and nodded.

"I'll learn to love this boy more than he loves me," she told her mother truthfully. Snatchers were helping them carry the bags. Scabior bought himself a red scarf and walked behind the girls with his head high.

"He loves you a lot. He wrote a song about it," Scabior chimed in. Ophelia spun around.

"He what?!" She said loudly making him jump back.

"A-a song! He wrote a song. Plans on singing it to you on your wedding!" He had his hands up in surrender. The other Death Eaters mentally facepalmed their faces. One who had the less bags slapped the back of his head.

"It was supposed to be a surprise!"

"Fuckin' A!"

"Seriously Scab!"

"Guys! Guys it's okay. He never said anything about the song. I just know he'll sing one," Ophelia added to keep them from hurting her favorite Snatcher. The rest agreed and apologized to him.

They finished their shopping and disapparated back to Malfoy Manor. Turning to smoke will cause panic and right now their perfectly undercover. It was already getting dark and knew people would close shops early.

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