She Killed Sirius Black!

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Summer came by faster than anyone expected. She was now 18 and a full on Death Eater. Ophelia was now fully awake and on her way to the Burrow with 2 of her favorite Death Eaters. She was on her dragon when they reached a field of dead grass. She circled the Burrow from above. She was broken and alone after her 2 and a half year relationship. After Igor told Viktor Krum that she was a Death Eater he left her. He didn't want to be with someone involved with murder. He didn't feel safe. She understood and let him go. Fenrir Greyback has found a way to always be near her. She didn't mind but knew his intentions would bring chaos to the wizardry world and werewolf army.

Once they reached the burrow she saw Harry and Ginny near a window.

"Incendio," she told her dragon and he quickly breathed fire making it surround the Burrow. She saw Remus, Tonks and Harry run towards the flame. He made it but Remus and Tonks did not.

They began to try to bend through it. She then saw Ginny Weasley run after Harry.

"GINNY, NO!!" She heard Arthur shout.

She looked towards the field and saw her aunt and Fenrir running.

"I killed Sirius Black! I killed Sirius Black!" She taunted, "You coming to get me, Potter?! You coming to get me! You coming to get meee!!" She crackled. Ophelia laughed at her aunt.

Once she saw everyone getting through the fire she saw Molly in the living room.

"My dear? You came!" She said cheerfully.

"Severus! Get ready boy. BURN THIS PLACE TO THE GROUND! MAKE THIS FAMILY SUFFER THE WAY I DID!" She yelled at the dragon. With no hesitation he began to breathe fire.

"NO!" Molly cried.

"Your son isn't so innocent, Mrs. Weasley. One day... I'll take something he loves dear. Fred Weasley," she whispered loudly enough for Molly to hear. Her eyes widened.

Ophelia saw her aunt and Fenrir emerge from the field and began to set flame to the house. The two Death Eaters crashed into the house making the fire spread even more.

Ophelia smiled at the destruction and noticed 2 more redheads join the family reunion.

"If it isn't George Weasley. I hope you miss your girlfriend! Oh wait? I heard she got what she deserved," she laughed. She fired a spell at the family bellow. It missed George by an inch hitting Tonks who was behind him.

She laughed and flew off. She quickly caught up to her aunt. She held out her arm which Bella gladly took. Both of them were now on the dragon racing Fenrir Greyback back to Malfoy Manor.

"Hop on Fenrir. We'll get there faster! I know the tunnels under all of the UK!" Ophelia told him. He landed on the dragons back. Severus took it as the signal to fly faster and go into hiding mode. He quickly ducked into a secret tunnel and flew faster than before.

"You did well... my beautiful niece," Bellatrix said as she kissed her head. Fenrir growled in agreement. (Gonna make Fenrir look cute bc he looks like a thrown up rat in the movies soo yea. Let's pretend that man fine as hell... image next to the video) He was tall. About 6'04 or 6'05 he was bigger than the other Death Eaters. He was a snatcher. A handsome man who turns into a werewolf when angry and during full moons. Sharp jaw and blue eyes but changed colour when mad. His hair was slick back like a greaser but right now it was messy and wet from the fight back at the Burrow. Nothing but a black leather jacket, white T, and black ripped up jeans with chains hooked on the side and biker boots.

"And you? Fenrir? How old are you, mate? You seen young to be here," Ophelia asked as they almost reached the Manor.

"23, Miss Snape. I'm here to protect you from harm," he told her.

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