Slip a Secret

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After threatening the Weasley's they didn't like being around her. She liked that. She also saw her father throughout the week and Viktor has sent her many letters. She also noticed Remus and Sirius getting closer and a pink-purple haired girl tried getting at Remus. Clearly making him uncomfortable. She would quietly sneak downstairs to see both Remus and Sirius inches apart.

"Secret relationship, eh? Pink haired git in the way. Time for a little show, eh Ember?" She giggled as she hid in the dark. She headed upstairs and grabbed the guitar.

"Going to sing for us?" Remus asked as he saw her enter the kitchen. She smiled innocently.

"Yes," She said dryly. She began to strum the guitar and looked at Sirius and Remus. The pink haired girl walked in and her smile grew. A smile filled with mischief.

"Sirius's has been hanging out with Remus
Everybody knows they're best friends!
Cuz they've been together ever since they were small and hanging at his house
He was a part of the quidditch team
He was top of his class
And he was prom king
When they study the missions, he cracks a joke
But they got a secret they must confess
It's not her smile or the way she dressed
She's not the reason why Remus is thinking bout love
Ever weekend they hang out
He loses his cool when he's around
Then he don't know if this is just a crush
How does he find the words to tell her?
Remus is in love with Sirius" she sang as she pointed to all of them with the lyrics. Sirius and Remus's eyes widened while the pink haired girl stared at the two. Ophelia kept strumming the guitar until she felt like the instrumental needed a close.

"That's not true Remus, is it? I love you and you know this!" The woman snapped. Ophelia looked at the 3 people with a evil smile.

"No, he doesn't. He loves Sirius and Sirius loves him. Always has, right? I mean come on! Those dirty little thoughts can't stay hidden forever. This secret was going to unfold. I just helped," Ophelia smiled and pulled out a bottle of firewhiskey. She held it up to her eyes and took a big chug. She wiped her chin and smiled again.

"Ophelia?" She heard a very familiar voice say. She turned and her eyes widened. Her father was standing by he doorway. His eyes locked on the bottle in her hands. She began to hyperventilate and rushed out the kitchen. The bottle shattered on the floor and the guitar with a loud thud. Snape ran after his daughter.

She slammed the door before he had time to get in the room.

"I'm sorry!" She cried. Snape banged on the door.

"Ophelia? Let me in my dear. Let me in," he said sweetly and calmly. She got in the corner of the room and the door burst open.

"It's my last bottle I swear," she lied. Remus ran in the room and pointed his wand at her trunk cracking it open. 2 bottles of firewhiskey and 5 packs of cigars laid on top of her folded clothes. She looked at Remus with pure anger.

"This is not how we cope!" Severus said in a stern tone.


"To protect you!" He raised his voice.

"From what!!! I miss mum and Draco! I want to go HOME!" Her eyes filled with tears. Severus took a deep breath and without thinking yelled back.

"YOU CAN'T GO HOME OR HE'LL KILL YOU AND I CAN'T LOSE YOU!" He yelled at the top of his lungs. "I can't lose you too. You're my daughter and the reason why I believe in so much. I can't lose that." Ophelia stared at her father for a while before stepping closer to him.

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