Im the devil

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I spent my day reading and waiting for 5:00 to roll around. Every few months we have a night service and this one happened to be on a wensday. By the time it was 5 I was fully dressed. I'm wearing a white skirt with a yellow top and white slip on shoes. "Are you ready" my mom asked. "Yes" I said. I grabbed my purse then headed downstairs. I walked into the church and saw Lucas sitting down. He's reading tonight. "Look at you" I said with a smile. He's wearing a black tux and his hair is perfectly brushed. "I'm scared" he said. "Don't be your going to be fine" I said. "What if I sound dumb" he asked. I grabbed both of his hands "you won't your amazing I know you'll do great" I said with a smile. "Thanks" he said with a small smile. I wanted to tell him I missed him. I wanted to tell him breaking up was a mistake. But I didn't. It's been a year I know he's over it.I'm going find a seat I'll see you after" I said. I found a seat and sat down. "That was painful to watch" a voice said. "What are you doing here" I asked. It's the rude boy. He held up a flyer with a smirk. "I thought you didn't like this kind of stuff" I said. "You have no idea what I like princess" he said then sat next to me. "What is it that you like" I ask. "You'll find out" he said. Before I could answer the music started and the Priest walked in. During the service I couldn't help but glance at the boy next to me. Lucas got on stage and began to read. I put all my focus on him. Like I always do. Just like I predicted he did great. After the service was over I found Lucas. "You did so good" I said as I hugged him. "Thank you" he replied. "I knew you'd do amazing" I said. "Are you going home" he asked. "No my parents and I are going to dinner" I said. "Oh okay" he replied. "Why" I asked. "Well I was wondering if you wanted to" he tried to say but the rude boy showed up. "Are you ready" he asked. "What" I asked. "Are you ready" he asked again. I looked to him then to Lucas who seemed just as confused. "Um yes I'm ready" I said. "Where are you going" Lucas asked. "It's a surprise" The rude boy replied. "Text me when you get home okay" Lucas said. "I will" I said. "What was that" I asked. "We're going for a walk" he replied. "I can't I'm going to dinner with my parents" I said. "Then where are they" he asked. I looked around and sure enough they were nowhere to be seen. "What did you do" I snapped. "I told them I was your science partner and you were to nice to say no to dinner" he replied. "Why would you do that" I snapped. "I want to talk to you" he said. "Why" I asked. "Why not" he asked. "I can't believe you made my parents leave me I don't have my house key" I said. "I guess you'll have to stay with me" he said. "Oh joy" I replied. We began walking down the street.

"So is that your boyfriend" he asked. "No" I replied. "It seemed like it" he said. "We used to date but I broke up with him" I said. "Why" I asked. "He wants to be a pastor and he needs to focus if he's with me he can't do that" I said. "So you'd risk your happiness so he can figure out his life" he asked. "Yeah" I replied. "That's exactly why I'd never let myself fall in love" he said. "Because all you care about is yourself" I said. "Exactly" he said. "We're only eighteen we have time" I said. "So you think you two will get back together" he asked. "I hope so" I said. "That's so perfect person of you" he said. "I'm not perfect" I said. "Maybe not but your pretty damn close" he said. "Are you flirting with me" I asked with a laugh. "You wish" he said. "You never told me your name" I said. "Damon" he replied. "I'd tell you mine but you already know" I said. "Yes I do know Blair" he said. "How do you like living here" I asked. "Boring" he said. "It's Maine what did you expect" I replied. "You think it's boring" he asked. "Yes but it's home" I said. "What do you do for fun" he asked. "Read" I said. "And" he asked. "Get ready for college and church" I replied. "That's it" he asked. "That's it" I replied. "Wow" he snorted. "I like it" I said. "Come with me to a party Friday" he said. "I can't" I said. "Why not" he asked. "You could be a loon for all I know" I said. "If I was a loon I would've already snatched you or killed you"he snorted. "You could be waiting for the perfect moment"I stated. I'm not trying to be funny he could really be a loon. "There's no such thing as a perfect moment all we have is moments that are better than others" he said. "How tortured boy of you" I said. "Come on it'll be fun and it's public school kids so no one will care about disobeying Jesus" he said. "Don't say stuff like that and no" I said. "Will you just think about it" he said. "The answer is no" I said. "Ugh so lame" he snorted. I rolled my eyes.

"I wish I would've brought my key" I said. "You should've remembered" he said. "Well I didn't think you'd lie to my parents and I'd be stuck out here with you" I said. "You make it sound like I'm a monster" he said. "You might be" I said. "No I'm the devil" he said with a wicked smirk. I believe you.

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