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                            Blair's POV
Misery. I never knew it could be so soul shattering.

I'm not sure how far I walked before I collapsed. I laid in the snow trying to regaini some strength but I couldn't. I pulled out my phone and called my mom. "Mommy" I cried. "Blair honey where are you" she asked. "On the main road" I said. "Okay are you coming home" she asked. "No I'm on side the road can you come get me" I asked. "Yes I'm coming stay on the" she tried to say but I hung up. I stayed in the snow. A part of me was hoping I'd freeze. I can't feel a thing. Inside or outside.

March passes in a blur and so does April. May felt slower somehow. Summer passed. Auguest turned into September . The weather was hot but I was cold. I felt nothing. Everything reminded me of him. I couldn't stand anything. It's August now. My days were simple. School, sleep, eat, shower, sleep. I didn't go to church. I didn't talk to anyone. I couldn't. "Blair Lucas is here" my mom yelled. My door opened and he walked in. "Hey" he said. "Hi" I said. "How are you feeling" he asked. "Chipper" I replied. "Do you want to go for a walk" he asked. At first I was going to say no but his presence was calming. "Yeah" I replied.

We walked to the park. Then around the neighborhood. We walked past Hannah's house. "Blair" she yelled. There was 5 people sitting on beach chairs on the lawn. Probably tanning. Then I saw Harvey. "Hey" I said. Harvey looked at me with wide eyes then stood up. "Blair I know" he tried to say. I punched him in the nose as hard as I could. "Ah what the fuck" he yelled. "Press changes on that you asshole" I said. "Oh bye Hannah I'll see you around" I said. I grabbed Lucas hand to pull him away from the scene. "Wow" he said. "That's the best I've felt in months" I laughed. "You hit him really hard" Lucas said. "Good" I said. We got coffee then went back to the park. "Thanks for getting me out the house" I said. "No problem" he said. He touched the side of my face then kissed me. I pulled away instantly. "I can't I'm sorry" I said. "It's okay I shouldn't have" he said. "I'm still" I started to say. "In love with him" he finished. "Yeah" I said. "It's fine we can be friends until you don't" he said. "Thank you" I said. "Lucas" I said. "Yes" he asked. "I loved him more than anything. I loved him. I still love him and I don't know what I do because he's never coming back" I said holding back tears. "One day you'll remember what you two had and it won't hurt you won't be sad forever" he said.

I hugged him tightly and he hugged me back the same way.

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