The truth

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The next day I woke up early to go to the store. It's snowing outside but not bad enough to stop me from walking. I walked for 15 muintsd before reaching the store. I got a few things then started to check out. "Blair" I heard someone say. I turned to see Damon walking towards me. I quickly grabbed my bags and rushed out of the store. Not even 3 minutes later I heard a car behind me. The snows getting heavy I don't have time for this. "Blair" he said again. Shit I didn't think the snow would get so heavy I'm freezing. Once again he said "blair". "What, what do you want" I snapped. "I just wanted to see if you wanted a ride considering it's turning into a fucking blizzard" he snapped. "No I do not" I said. The snow got harder. My eyes started to water and somehow my 3 grocery bags felt heavier. "Just get in the car it's only to get worse" he said. "No" I said. Right as I said it one of my bags ripped and all my items fell out. "Shit" I said. As I bent over the rest of my stuff fell out my bags and I fell into the wet snow. "Are you okay" Damon asked while rushing out of his car. "Yeah" I said. He started putting my stuff back into the bag then looked at me and said "just let me take you home". "Okay" I finally agreed. I didn't say anything during the ride. Neither did he. Once we got back to my house I opened the door and we both walked inside. "So where's Lucas" he asked. "On a church trip" I said. "How long will he be gone" he asked. "7 days he left yesterday" I sad. "Why didn't you go" he asked. "I didn't realize we were playing 21 questions" I said. He looked at me for a moment without saying anything. You're different now" he said. "I'm different now because you ruined me and I had to create a new me, one that cannot be broken" I replied. No one knew the real tragedy though I wasn't different because I was stronger I'm different because my whole soul was broken. "I really am sorry for everything" he said. "thank you for helping me with groceries you should go now" I said. "That's it" he asked. "What did you except a tip" I asked. "I love you" he said. "Damon I'm covered in snow I dont have time for this" I said. "Does it mean anything to you" he snapped. "No damon it doesn't you cheated on me then left so no it doesn't mean anything to me" I snapped. Blair please just let me explain to you the story, I did everything out of love" he yelled. "That was love to you" I asked. "Yes it was and it is"he replied. "If that's what you think love is I'd hate to ever be with you again" I say. "Blair I'm begging you" he said. "The same way I begged you to love me 4 years ago and you left". "I know but I just need you to listen to me" he says. "Okay why did you leave Damon if you loved me so fucking much huh You fucking promised you wouldn't hurt me like that again you promised we'd be together forever your nothing but a fucking liar" "I was in fucking jail" he screamed. "What". "I never fucking cheated on you the only reason I said that was because I knew it was the only way you would let me go" he said. "You were in jail" I asked. "Yes I was when I gave you that bullshit ass story right after that I turned myself in". He said. "Why" I asked. "Because I was tired of being a fucked up person and I knew that if you and I stayed together I would only drag you down with me so I made up the story So you would hate me" he said. "You didn't sleep with someone" I asked. "No" he said. "So for the last four years you've been in jail" I asked. "I've been out for 6 months" he said. "Why'd you wait so long to come back" I asked. "I wanted to make sure I had all my shit together first" he said. "A month" I said. "What" he asked. "You got out a month before Lucas proposed" I said. "I couldn't come back yet" he replied. "Your back for good" I asked. "Yeah" he said. "Why did you come back you could've gone anywhere" I said. "You know why I came back" he said. "No no no" I said as I closed my eyes. I can't. I can't. Not again. "Blair open your eyes" he said. "I can't it's too real" I said. I want to cry. I want to scream. "Please" he said. I opened my eyes. He's closer to me now. I stayed still. "Say something please" he said while moving closer. I can touch him he's so close. I looked up at him. "You loved me" I asked in a whisper. "I've fucking loved you since we met and I'll love you till I fucking die" he said. I can't think.

I follow my only instinct. I move forward and kiss him.

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