The only wicked thing

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I was stunned. Shocked. Excited. This was the first time I've ever really been kissed. I mean I've kissed Lucas but not like this. One of his hands stayed wrapped around and the other moved to my hip. He moved closer so I was fully pressed on the door. I finally pulled away. "Wow okay" I said. "Yeah" he said. "We should Go to bed I mean I should Um get home and go to bed you know because of um church" I said. "Right okay" he said. We walked down the stairs in silence. "Thank you for taking me it was fun" I said as we walked down the street. "It was" he said. I couldn't help but notice how on edge he seemed to be. "Are you okay" I asked. "Why wouldn't I be" he asked. "I don't know you just seem off". "I'm fine" he said. "Are you sure" I asked. "Yes Blair I'm fine" he snapped. "Okay I'm sorry I just thought after we had our moment maybe you felt weird" I said. "We kissed once we're not soulmates stop trying to figure me out" he said. Thank god were in front of my house. I can't wait to be away from here. "I'm lucky not to have you as a soulmate and I pity the poor girl who is" I snapped. "Trust me she'll enjoy it they all do just like you did" he said. That's it. Without another word I opened my front door and walked inside. "Blair" he said but I shut the door and locked it. I went to my room quietly and changed. He tried to call me but I had no interest in talking. Lucas was right he's bad news. I'm done. Tonight was fun up until he started being rude but that's all it was. Fun. But it's over now and I'm not planning on reliving it.

My alarm went off and i got ready. "Goodmorning" I said. "Goodmorning" my parents both said. I drank some orange juice then we headed to the church. It went by like normal and after Lucas found me. "Are you coming to my beach party Friday" he asked. "Of course why wouldn't I" I said with a laugh. "I just thought considering you know" he said. "I'm confused" I said. "You and Damon he told me that you two you know" He said. "What are you talking about" I asked. "He told me you two" he said again. "We what" I snapped. "Kissed" he said in a whisper like it was some horrible sin. "Lucas you scared me I thought he told you we did something sexual" I snapped. "Oh sorry" he said. "He told me to stay away from you" he said. "What why" I asked. "He just told me to stay away from you or I'd regret it I thought you might be seeing him" he said. "Well I'm not and there is no me and Damon" I said. "I wouldn't stay away from you anyways" he said. "You wouldn't" I asked. "No" he said. "Why" I asked. "You know why" he said. He still loves me. Just as much as I love him. "Yeah I know" I said. I walked outside and saw Damon. He saw me and started walking towards me. I quickly turned the corner and went into the back with Lucas until I was sure Damon left. I managed to avoid Damon all week. He texted and called but I didn't answer. I spent the entire week at home. Today's Friday. It's Lucas 19th birthday. He's having a beach party. I bought a new blue bikini. When it was time to get ready I put it on. I put on Jean shorts and a white crop top over it. I paired it with my white Sandles. I put my hair in a pony tail then put on mascara and some pink lipgloss. I felt like something was missing so I put on my silver hoops. Finally I was ready. I told my parents bye then got on my bike. Just as I turned the corner I saw Damon sitting on his porch smoking a cigarette. I turned the corner as fast as I could and road away quickly.

When I arrived at the beach a bunch of people were already there. I chained my bike up and found Lucas who was playing volleyball with our friends Chase and Miley. "Happy birthday" I yelled. He stopped playing and hugged me. "Thank you I'm so glad you came" he said. "I wouldn't miss it" I said. "Well you know the drill everyone's going to spend the rest of the night swimming and hanging out" he said. Lucas has been having beach parties since he was 14 so nothing about this is new. "Let's get this party started" I said. I played volleyball with a bunch of people then we all sang happy birthday. Miley brought a bottle of champagne so she popped that and we all had a glass. I was standing alone and looking at the water when I got a text that said "meet me in the bathroom". I sighed and downed another glass of champagne before I went. I walked to the bathroom and knocked on the door. It's a one person bathroom so I knew no one was going to barge in. The door opened and I walked in. "Why are you even here" I asked. "Your avoiding me" Damon said. "I asked you why are you here" I said. "To see you" he said. "How did you know I was here" I asked. "It's Prince Charmings birthday everyone's talking about it" he said with a smirk. "Well your interrupting my time with Prince Charming so what do you want" I snapped. He tensed up. "Why are you avoiding me" he asked. "I'm not" I replied. ""I mean you took the corner on one wheel you looked like the witch from that movie riding fast as fuck on that bike just to avoid me" he said. "The only wicked thing around here is you" I snapped. "But you already knew that didn't you princess" he said with a smirk. He moved closer to me. "Why did you tell Lucas to stay away from me" I asked. "Why do you think" he asked. "Stop talking in code" I snapped. "I'm not your just asking questions you already know the answer to" he said. "You can't tell people to stay away from me" I said. "Why" he asked. "I'm not yours" I said. "What makes you think I want you to be mine" he asked. "Damon I'm not doing this all night why are you here" I asked. "He likes you" he said with a sigh. "So" I asked. "But I decided I do to" he said. "You decided" I asked. "I did" he said as he slowly ran his finger up down arm. "What if I already decided I don't like you" I asked. "But you like him" he asked. "I do" I said. "Did you like our kiss" he asked. "No your rude and I don't have any business being around you" I said. "But look at you now" he said with a all to familer smile. "Damon I'm not gonna go back and forth with you all night I already said I" I said but got cut off by his mouth on mine.

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