Doing the right thing

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                             Damon's POV
I woke up before her on purpose. We're only a few hours away from Maine so hopefully she'd sleep through the ride. Hours went by and she stayed sleeping. Finally she opened her eyes. "Where are we going" she asked. "Your going home I don't know where I'm going" I replied dryly. I knew how this needed to be played out. She needs to think I don't care about her. "What are you talking about" she asked. "What's not clear" I asked. "Why are you taking me home" she asked. "I'm just over the whole relationship thing it's getting old" I said. "I don't understand" she said. "I'm tired of it Blair what's not clear" I snapped. "But we were just okay how is that possible" she asked now crying. "It's just boring" I said. "How" she asked. "It was so boring that I had to" I started to say. But I stopped. Saying it made me sick. I didn't want to say it. But I knew I had to. "You had to what" she asked. "I slept with someone" I said. I didn't. I didn't want to. I couldn't. But I had to say something that would make her hate me. "No you didn't you wouldn't your lying" she said. "Why do you think I was upstairs so long at the party" I said. She starred at me. I knew the lie was good and it made sense. "Oh my god your not lying" she cried. Yes I am baby. I'm so sorry. "But I love you" she cried. "I told you it's all part of a game" I replied. "You always ask me if I'm scared well I'm scared now I don't know why your doing this" she cried harder. "I told you you'd be scared eventually" I said with a dry laugh. I stopped the car on side the road and said "get out". "Damon please" she cried. "Blair don't make it more dramatic then it needs to be" I said while rolling my eyes. She grabbed her bag and opened the door. "Oh and Blair" I said. "What" she asked. "You were honestly the worst lay I've ever had" I said. "Screw you Damon". "You already did and it wasn't that good" I said. She got out the car without another word and slammed the door shut. I drove off. I looked in the Review mirror and watched her walk away. I wanted to go back. But I can't. This is what's best. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and did something I never thought I'd do. I called Lucas. I got his number from the church flyer a while ago so I could threaten him. Oh how the tables have turned. It rang twice and then he picked up. "Lucas" I said. "Damon why are you calling me" he asked. "Blair chose me but now I'm choosing her.Take care of her for me but don't tell her I called" I said then hung up. After that I threw my phone out the window and headed to the police station.

I'm finally going to do the right thing.

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