I know hes sorry

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It's been a month since I found out I was nothing more then a bet. Damon has called and texted multiple times but I haven't answered. I've managed to avoid him which is good. Lucas and I are about to go see a movie. I'm wearing black leggings and a dark purple sweatshirt with my boots. It's finally getting colder outside. I'm very happy about that. Lucas picked me off and we went see a movie. After the movie we got pizza. "That was a good movie" he said. "I know I didn't expect it to be that good" I said. "What are you doing tomorrow" he asked. "I don't have any plans" I said. "I have to host the church bakery" he said. "I hope they make strawberry pie" I said. "Of course they will" he laughed. "I missed hanging out with you" I said. "I missed it to" he said. "Thank you for being here for me this past month" I said. "I know it's none of my business but I have to ask have you talked to him" he asked. "No" I said. "Well I guess that's good" he said. Since my parents leave on the weekends for work trips it's usually just me so Lucas walks me home. "Thanks for walking me home" I said. "It's no problem" he said. I looked over and saw Damon walking down the street. We made eye contact and I quickly looked away. "Damon's coming" I said. "Where is he" he asked. A few feet away. "Look at me" he said. "Why" I asked.

He didn't answer me. He pulled me closer then kissed me. At first I was shocked. I knew he was helping me make Damon jealous but I also knew he wanted to kiss me. Damon deserves to be jealous and any chance I get to kiss Lucas I'm taking. As we kissed Damon spoke "Blair what the fuck stop". I didn't. I kissed Lucas harder. He gripped my hair and pulled me even closer to him. Lucas and I have made out but never like this. "Blair please" Damon begged. Finally Lucas pulled away. "Goodnight Blair" he said. "Goodnight" I said flustersd. Once he was gone I turned to my door and unlocked it. "What the fuck" Damon said from behind me. I walked in the door and Damon followed. "Come in why don't you" I snorted. "Blair what the fuck was that" Damon snapped. "What" I asked. "What are you trying to do rip my fucking heart out" he asked. "It's not like you don't deserve it" I said. "You won't even talk to me" he said. "I'm talking to you right Now" I said. "You know what I mean" he said. "There's no reason for us to talk we broke up remember" I snapped. "So what now you're just going to fuck Lucas" he asked. "Maybe I mean I know you saw how hot that kiss was getting honestly if you wouldn't have been there It probably would've happened" I said. "Don't say that" he said looking sick. "What you don't like the idea of Lucas fucking me better than you ever could" I asked. "Stop" he demanded. "What are you trying to act like me now because it's not a good look on you I'm the villain not you" he said. "Guess we're all villains at some point in the story" I said. "That's the thing Blair your not please don't turn into one" he said. "That's not for you to decide" I said. "I don't want you to be bitter because of me, I don't want you to feel like I do" he said. "Your the one who made me feel like this" I snapped. "I know I'm so sorry" he said. "You should be" I said. "I am I never wanted us to end like this"he said. "Me either" I said. He put his hand on my face and said "What I did, what I made you feel it's the ultimate betrayal. You trusted me with something and I ruined it. I'm so sorry I hope one day you can understand how truly sorry I am Blair. I love you so much that was never a lie. All of our time was real for me I know you don't believe me but it's the truth I just hope someday you can believe me". "Me too" I said. "Plus you are incredible in bed" he said. "Go to hell Damon" I snapped. "I've been there for years so I'll happily stay there until you want me again" he said with a smile. I pushed him out the door and as I shut it he said "goodnight". Once the door was shut I was able to laugh.

I know he loves me. What he did hurt and it still hurts but I do believe he's sorry. But that doesn't mean he's getting off easy. He's going to have to work for me to take him back.

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