feeling like a women

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"Shh" Damon laughed. "Stop mocking me" I laughed. "No ones here" he said. "They could show up" I said. "That's the thrill" he said. I rolled my eyes and kissed him again. He pulled me on top of him and said "don't you have somewhere to be". "Not for another hour" I said. "Shouldn't you be getting ready" he asked. "Are you trying to go" I asked. "No the opposite actually" he said then flipped us over so he was on top of me now. "Making sure you have enough time to have me on my back" I asked. "I don't need any time for that" he said. "Damon" I said. "Yes" he asked. "Why haven't we had sex yet" I asked. "We've only been rolling around for a month" he said. "You had sex with Hannah the first day you met her" I said. "Aw princess are you jealous" he asked. "No I just wanna know if somethings wrong with me" I said. "Nothings wrong with you, your ten times sexier then anyone I've ever been with and that's saying a lot" he said. I smiled. "You just admitted to sleeping around" I said. "It was never a secret" he said. "Have you been with anyone since we started" I asked. "No" he said. "I'm glad" I said. "Why" he asked. "I'm not trying to catch anything" I said. "What do you take me for" he asked with a laugh then kissed me. "But why are we waiting" I asked. "I just want to make sure you actually ready" he said then kissed me again.

A hour later I literally had to kick Damon out so he would stop kissing me. I'm having dinner with my parents tonight. I got ready then went downstairs to meet them. "You look lovely" my dad said. "Thank you" I said. The three of us got in the car and headed out. Once we got to the restaurant we sat down. We all ordered our drinks and waited. "So how are things with Lucas" my mom asked. "The same were just friends right now" I said. "You two will end up together I know love when I see it" my mom said. "I hope your right" I said. "She is everyone sees how you and Lucas look at each other" my dad said. "Actually I wanted to ask you about something else" my mom said. "What" I asked. "Some people have seen you hanging around with that Damon boy" she said. "Yeah we're friends" I said. "I just don't think you should be hanging around a criminal" she said. "He's not a criminal it was just one bad night for him" I said. "Either way you have a good head on your shoulders and you don't need anyone messing it up" my dad said. "I know and he's just a friend" I said. "Are you sure" my mom asked. "Yes he's just someone's I've gotten close to over the last few weeks" I said. "Your smart Blair if you think he's good company then he must be" my dad said. "He is" I said. Our food came and we all began eating. We talked about my college classes that would be starting soon and my church status.

Today's Saturday. Church went by like normal. Lucas and I are sitting outside talking. "Was your birthday good" I asked. "Yes it was amazing" he said. "I can't believe how fast time is flying" I said. "I know it feels like just yesterday we were 15"he said. "Kissing in the garden so no one could see us" I said with a laugh. "And kissing everywhere else" he said with a laugh. "Three amazing years" I said. "They were" he said. "Everyone thought we were soulmates" I said. "Because we are" he said. I looked up. "You think so" I asked. "Yeah we just have to get our lives started first" he said. "That was the deal" I said. "You get yours started, I get mine started then we'll come back together and pick up where we left off" he said. "I can't believe you let me break up with you" I said. "We both knew it needed to happen" he said. "Yeah" I agreed. "But" he said then grabbed my hand. "It's good that we did we both need to figure ourselves out" he said. "Yeah" I said. "You still mean everything to me" he said. "Likewise" I said. He started to lean in and I wanted to kiss him so badly. I moved closer. Before anything else could happen Damon showed up. "Blair come on" he said. "What" I asked. "We have plans and your wasting time" he snapped. "Right I forgot let's go" I said. I stood up. "Bye" I said. "I'll call you later" Lucas said. As we walked away Damon looked angry. "Are you okay" I asked. "Just keep walking" he said. "Okay" I said confused. We walked to his house. "Anyone here" he yelled. No one answered. He practically dragged me to his room and slammed the door shut. "What's wrong" I asked. He pushed me Against the wall. "Were you going to kiss him" he snapped. I shook my head yes. "Use your words" he snapped. "Yes I was going to kiss him" I said. He kissed me roughly. "Damon" I said out of breathe. "You want to do something for me" he asked as he moved my hair out of my face. "Yes" I said. "Get on your knees" he said. "We've never I've never" I stuttered. "Your about to learn get on your knees" he demanded. I could tell he was mad about seeing Lucas and I together I just don't know why. I got on my knees and looked up at him. He unzipped his pants and pulled them down along with his boxers. My eyes widened. "Wow" I said. He laughed. "You don't have to do the whole thing just do as much as you can" he said. "Okay" I said. I brought it to my mouth and started moving my mouth back and forth. "Shit yes okay you don't need help" he said. I continued doing this. I went a bit faster and took more in. He grabbed a handful of my hair and pulled it. I moaned which caused him to do the same. "Keep going baby" he moaned. I did as he said. Little by little I took more of him in. Before I knew it, it was all in my mouth. "If you don't stop I'm going to cum" he said. I kept going. I didn't care. I just wanted to keep going. A few moments later something else was in my mouth. I stopped and swollowed. I looked up at him. "I'm surprised" he said. "Why" I asked. "Because that was the best head I've ever gotten" he said. "Really" I asked. "Really" he said. "So what now" I asked. "I actually have something to do" he said. "Oh" I said sadly. "I'll come over tomorrow" he said then kissed me. "Promise" I asked. "Promise" he said. He walked me out and kissed me again.

I walked back to my house feeling like a women.

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