A promise

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I went to sleep that night debating on if I should call Damon in the morning. I decided not to. I decided to go for a morning walk to get my thoughts together. As I was walking past the park I looked over and saw James. We made eye contact and I started walking faster. "Blair"he said. I ignored him. He started running after me. "Blair" he said again as he grabbed my shoulder. "Don't touch me" I snapped. "Look I know you hate me but I just want you to know I wanted to tell you" he said. "Why would you even but a bet on me what's wrong with you" I asked. "I didn't think you two would" he paused. "Do that" he said. "What" I asked. "I didn't think you two would sleep together I thought you would reject him or I thought maybe I'd have time" he said then paused again. "Time for what" I asked. "To get you to like me" he said. "Why would you want me to like you" I asked. "Damon didn't tell you why we made the bet" he asked. "No" I said. "I wanted to ask you out but he didn't want me to so we bet that if he slept with you in 5 months  I'd give him $300 but he said he could do it in 3 and if he didn't he'd back off and I could ask you out" he said. "You wanted to ask me out" I asked. "I want to ask you out" he said. "James" I said while shaking my head. "I know you love him and I know you and Lucas have something but I just thought you should know" he said. "Why didn't you tell me sooner" I asked. "Damon may be a ass but he's my best friend" he said. "Well thank you for being honest with me" I said. "No problem" he said. "So what are you doing here" I asked. "Running laps I do it every morning" he said. "Sounds tiring" I said. "I'm used to it" he replied. "Mind if I join you" I asked. "I'd like that" he said with a smile. We spent the morning walking around the park and getting to know each other more.

When I got home I took a shower. I can't believe James likes me. How did I miss this? Do I like him ? I wish this wasn't so confusing. I went downstairs to talk to my mom and dad. "Can I ask both of you a question" I asked. "You can ask us anything" my dad replied. "If someone did something bad to you but they were truly sorry would you forgive them" I asked. "It depends on what it is" my mom said. "I think everyone deserves a second chance" my dad said. "I don't know what to do" I said. "Hunny I hate to break it to you but your in love with Damon wether you like it or not and I have no doubt that whatever happened you two can get through it" she said. "I second that" my dad said. "But a few months ago you were going on and on about how in love Lucas and I were" I said. "I think you love Lucas as a first love but I know you and Damon are soulmates I know it when I see it" she said. "But what about Lucas" I asked. "Do you love him" she asked. "I wish I did" I said. "It looks like you have your answer" she said. Tears started streaming down my face before I could stop them. "Go talk to Damon" my dad said. "Thank you" I said as I hugged them. I walked to Damon's house slowly. I'm not sure what I'm going to say. I walked to his front door and knocked twice. His dad opened the door. "Blair it's nice to see you again" he said. "You to Mr. Davis" I said. "Please call me Dan" he said. "It's nice to see you too Dan" I said. "Does Damon know your coming" he asked. Before I could answer he said "who am I kidding you don't have to tell him Damon always wants to see you" he said. "Dad" Damon said. When Damon walked into view he looked shocked to see me. "Hi" he said. "Hi" I said. "Well I'm heading out you two have fun" Dan said as he walked past me. "Can I come in" I asked. "Yes" he said. We went up to his room and I sat on the bed. "I spoke to James today we spent the morning together" I said. "You did" he said. "Yes and he told me everything about the bet" I said. "So you know that" he started to say. "That you said you could sleep with me within three months yes I know" I said. "I'm so fucking sorry I'm such a dick" he said. "Yes you are"I replied. "I know you came here to scream at me but" he started to say. "I'm in love with you" I said. "What" he asked clearly confuse. "What you did it hurts but it was before you loved me. It was before I loved you. I'm not saying it's okay but I love you and I want to be with you and to do that I have to forgive you so I'm choosing to do just that" I said. "You still love me" he asked. "I never stopped" I replied. "I love you so much" he said. "But I want that $300" I said. "You can fucking have it I don't want it at all I just want you" he said. "And you have to promise you won't ever hurt me like that again" I said. "I promise" he said. "Good" he said.

He leaned down and kissed me.

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