The date

7 1 0

Later in the day I started to get ready. I took a shower the put on a short black dress and black sandles. I curled my hair and did light makeup. At 7 I heard a knock on the door. I sprayed my strawberry perfume and headed downstairs. "Blair we will be gone when you get back so don't forget to lock up" my dad said. "Okay love you both" I said. My parents go on church trips every weekend so this was no surprise. I opened the door to see Lucas holding flowers. "Lucas you're so sweet" I said. He kissed me on the cheek and smiled. My mom put the flowers in a vase then Lucas and I left. We ended up going to a amazing sushi place that was 20 minutes out of town.

After we drove back talking about how much fun it was. "I'm so glad you agred to come with me" he said. "I'm happy you asked" I said. "I'm really sorry about Avoiding you I never should've let Damon get to me" he said. "It's okay, Damon is the one who doesn't understand boundaries" I said. "Is there something going on between the two of you" he asked. "There was but not anymore" I said. "I figured" he said. "I'm sorry about what he did to you you didn't deserve that" I said. "It's okay it was worth it" he said. "He's not going to mess with you again I don't know what's wrong with him" I sighed. "Blair, he's in love with you" he said. "Damon can't feel love" I laughed. "Well he feels something strong for you it's clear I don't see how you don't see it" he said. "Well whatever it is it's all over" I said. "Good" he said then grabbed my hand. We pulled into my driveway and he walked me to the door. "This was nice" I said. "I agree" he said. "I really missed you" I said. "I know I missed you too" he said. "Us breaking up made so much sense last year but now that I'm thinking about it, it seems so stupid that we ever did" I said. "It's all my fault I'm the one who said I needed to focus on my career instead of us" he said. "Yeah but I never should have agreed" I said. "We wanted each other to be happy and at the time it seemed the best option" he said. "What do you want to do now" I asked. "This" he said.

He pulled me to him and kissed me.

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