The first time

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It was a sweet kiss. It was a Lucas kiss. He pulled away and smiled. "I'll call you tomorrow" he said. "Goodnight" I said. "Goodnight" he said. My mom and dad were gone so I went to shower. After my shower I turned on Harry Potter and fell asleep. Around 3 in the morning I heard something outside. I looked outside and saw Damon sitting in the grass. I went down stairs and opened the door. "Damon what are you doing" I asked. "I just needed to sit down I'm going home" he slurred. "Are you drunk" I asked. "No I'm Damon" he said. I turned in the porch light and walked over to him that's when I saw his face. He had a busted lip and a bloody nose. As I got closer I saw the blood on his knuckles. I sat down next to him and asked "are you okay". "I'm fine princess shouldn't you be asking what happened" he asked. "I wanted to make sure you were okay first"
I replied. "How sweet of you, your sweet you know" he said. "Come inside so you can get cleaned up" I said. "Won't prince charming be sad" he slurred. "Come on" I said. I took his hand and we went inside.

"This may hurt" I said. I poured Peroxide on his knuckles. He sucked in a sharp breath but didn't say anything. "Go sit on my bed" I said. He did as I said and I got Band Aids and a wet washcloth. I walked into my room and shut the door. "You got into a fight" I asked. "What do you think" he asked. "I don't know was it a drunken fight" I asked. "No" he said. "Then what was it" I asked. "Did you have fun on your date" he barked. "That's what this is about you do stupid stuff because you can't handle being jealous " I asked. "I got drunk and got into it with three guys big fucking deal" he snorted. "Well they beat you up so you look stupid" I snapped. "Ouch your Insults really hurt Hannah Montana" he said. Without thinking I smacked him in his bloody nose. "Ow what the fuck" he snapped. "I bet that hurt" I snapped. "You never answered my question did you have fun" he asked. "Yeah I did" I replied. "I bet" he snapped. "You don't get to show up here and act like a child I don't have to help you" I snapped. "I don't feel anything I don't need your help" he said. "Then why'd you come here" I asked. "I was drunk" he said. "Wait a minute did you come here to make sure I wasn't still with Lucas" I asked. He didn't answer. "Oh my god you did didn't you, you know what Damon you don't have a say in what i do with Lucas if I was with him that's none of your business". I snapped. "Did you kiss" he asked. "Yes we did and we're gonna do much more" I barked. Suddenly Damon pulled me onto him so I was sitting on his lap. "What else are you going to do" he asked. "Sexual stuff" I said. "Why are You so sweet" he asked as he pushed my hair out of my face. "Why are you so sour" I asked. "Because it's fun" he whispered. "Well I'm going to be with Lucas again soon so you'll have to be sour to someone else" I said. "Please that's over" he said. "It's not" I said. "Yes it is baby but you already know that" he said. I could feel him getting hard. "You're delusional" I said. "Am I" he asked. "Yes" I said. "Then why'd you bring me to your room" he asked. "I don't know" I stuttered. I could feel the heat in my body rising. "It's because your mine" he said in a low voice. He moved slowly so I could feel how hard he was. We didn't break eye contact. He slowly moved again. I wanted him so much.

I couldn't take it anymore. The tension was killing me. I didn't bother to answer I just kissed him.

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