But you will be

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Damon and I have been talking on Instagram for the past week. Today's Saturday. I've spent most of the day re organizing my room and getting rid of old clothes. Damon didn't text me yet which is shocking but at the sam time it's not. He's not obligated to talk to me. I was laying on my bed reading when my phone started ringing. "Hello" I said. "Well hello" Damon said. "I didn't think I'd hear from you today" I said. "Aww do you miss me princess" he asked. "No why would I" I asked. "I don't know you tell me" he said. I could tell he was very amused. "Damon" I snapped. "Oh calm down Holy Spirit" he said. "Did you call for a reason" I asked while rolling my eyes. "I did actually" he said. "Why" I asked. "We're hanging out when the sun goes down" he said. "What if I don't want to" I asked. "Why wouldn't you, are you afraid" he asked. "No of course not" I said. "I think you are" he said. "Well I'm not" I said. "Well in the words of Heath Ledger maybe your not afraid of me but you've thought about me naked" he said. "I'll be ready at midnight" I said. "You didn't answer my question" he said. "Goodbye Damon" I replied. "Blair" he said then I hung up. He doesn't need to know what I think about I laughed to myself.

Just like promised Damon showed up at midnight. I snuck out then met him in the front yard. "Your getting good at this sneaking out thing" he said."I think your corrupting me" I said. "Good" he said. "Where are we going" I asked. "You'll see" he replied as we walked down the street. "You know we don't have to walk everywhere right" I said. "It's more creepy if we do" he said. "Whatever you say sketchy" I said. We walked for nearly 15 muintes down the dark quiet road then finally we arrived at a abandoned building. "What is this" I asked. "This is what I wanted to show you come on" he said. He took my hand and we walked over to a large hole. "This is the entrance" I asked. "Yes the doors and windows are boarded up" he said. "They probably have a reason" I said. "Are you scared little one" he asked with a smirk. "No I'm not" I said. "Then let's go" he said. I sighed then climbed through the hole. Damon followed right behind me. Once we were inside I looked around. I couldn't see that well but from what I could make out it used to be a office space. Some old chairs were left behind almong with a few desks. Everything that was once used daily was now dusty left behind reminders of what used to be here. "Come on" Damon said. We walked up the stairs. "Where are you bringing me" I asked. "You'll see" he said. We walked up another flight of stairs. As we walked I looked at all the old furniture. "I can't believe all of this was left behind" I said. "Things get left behind when people don't need them anymore" Damon said. "So do people" I said. "Don't I know it" he said. Before I could say something he said "here we are". Damon opened a large metal door and I followed. I realized we're on the roof. "What are you gonna do push me" I asked. "Maybe" he laughed. "So why'd you bring me here" I asked. "Look" he said. I looked into the distance. We were decently high up. You could see the street lights and a few stores along with some houses. It was actually beautiful. "Wow" I said. "It's almost peaceful" he said. "Almost" I asked. "Nothings ever entirely peaceful" he said. He walked over to the edge and looked down. "We're pretty high up" I said. "Are you scared of hights" he asked. "I don't think so" I replied. "Come see" he said. I looked down. "You think you'd die if you fell from here" he asked. "Probably" I said. Just as I was looking down I felt a slight push on my back. I stumbled and Damon grabbed my arm. "What's wrong with you" I snapped. "Not so brave now are we" he said with a laugh. "Considering you pushed me while I'm standing on the edge of a building I have a right to be slightly nervous" I said. "I wasn't going to let you fall" he said while rolling his eyes. "Sure" I snapped. "You act so brave but I can tell your on edge" he said. "I'm not scared" I said. "Fine prove it" he said. "How" I asked. "Sit on the edge and lean back" he said. "Why so I'll fall to my death" I said. "I'll hold you" he said. I waited for him to laugh. "You really think I'm going to let you dangle me off of a building" I asked. "That's what I thought" he laughed. "What's your obsession with me being scared" I asked. "The thrill of it all" he said. I looked at the ground then said "Fine but if I fall it's on you". "Really" he asked clearly shocked. "Come on I don't have all night" I said. I sat on the edge and Damon stood between my legs. He grabbed both of my hands. We never broke eye contact as I leaned back. The farther I went the tighter his grip got. Finally I was leaned all the way back. I could feel the wind on my back. I knew there was nothing separating me and the ground. I knew nothing would catch me if I fell. But at the same time I trusted him. I trusted the rude boy that I haven't even know for a month with my life and I have yet to understand why. I closed my eyes. Something about having half of my body off of a building was oddly thrilling. Suddenly he loosened his grip on my right hand. I opened my eyes and looked at him. He was trying to scare me. Without another thought I let go of his right hand. He grabbed my quickly and pulled me back to him. "What the hell is wrong with you" he snapped. I laughed. "What if I would've let go you would've fell" he yelled. "But I didn't" I said. "Only because I caught you" he snapped. "Exactly" I said. He grabbed my arm so I was now standing up. "That was so stupid" he snapped as he pulled me to the door. "So was dangling me off a building and you still did it all because you wanted to act like a fool" I said. Suddenly he turned around. He grabbed my arm tighter and pushed me against the metal door with his hand now around my neck. I didn't know what to say so I looked at him with wide eyes. "Are you scared now" he asked. His breathe was on my face. He had to look down because of our height difference but his lips were so close. "No" I said in a whisper.

"You should be" he said in a low voice. "Well I'm not" I said. "But you will be" he said then crashed his lips to mine.

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