The last time

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It's been two weeks since Damon's been on the run. We've been taking showers at truck stops and sleeping in the car. We've been living off McDonalds and gas station food this whole time. My parents have called and texted multiple times but I stopped answering once they told me I was running around with a criminal. The highlight of all this ? The car sex.I've managed to do a little school but not as much as I should be doing.

            Damon's POV
I parked the car on a dirt road so Blair and I could sleep. It's fucking freezing now. Blair's small body was almost under me. I had both of my arms wrapped around her to keep her warm. I woke up to something vibrating. It's Blair's phone. It's her mom calling. I managed to move away from her without waking her up. I grabbed her phone and went outside. "Hello" I said. "Damon" she asked. "Yeah" I said. "Damon please make Blair come home this isn't good for her" she begged. "She wanted to come" I said. "Damon I know you love her and I know that she loves you but think about the damage this is doing. She's going to spend her life on the run. I don't want that for her I know you don't either so I'm begging you do what's best. End it please" she said. "I love her" I said. "I know but this isn't healthy" she said. I looked into the car to see my beautiful sleeping girlfriend. Her moms right. This isn't Blair. This isn't how I want her to spend her life. "Damon you know deep down she's going to choose Lucas sooner or later. You know their supposed to be together you know he's better for her" she said. "I know" I replied. "I'm sorry but sometimes people just aren't supposed to be together" she said. "She's sleeping right now but I'll end it in the morning" I said. "Thank you" she said. "I'm sorry for all the drama" I said. "Your a good person Damon I know you'll do what's best you just need some time to get it together" she said then hung up. I got back into the car and laid next to Blair. I kissed her forehead as she slept peacefully not knowing what tomorrow would bring.

I held her a little tighter as I drifted off since I knew this was the last time I'd get to hold her like this.

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