Chapter 26

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Sweat poured down my face as the anxiety level rose. The pressure was gaining on me when Naruto was having difficulties. I was on the ground at present moment, not moving but was still doing the signs. Shukaku had knocked me into a tree, I didn't stop despite the blood spilling from my mouth, I fell forwards but was caught by Kankuro and put by a tree. I tried my hardest not to lose concentration. It was hard. I was finally done. I also upgraded my genkeii kenkei. I activated Shadouaigan and went by Naruto again. I obviously did realize how much my appearance changed because Naruto gasped deeply. It seemed, my sliver hair turn a slick black and it went below my butt...I could see what I actually looked like though. I weaved a couple more signs.

"Shadow style: Shadowed nightmares" I said, as if a cloak of darkness formed Shukaku was being drained of his power while in immense pain from what his darkest 'fears' are. I didn't know he had any really.

I did a few more signs then jumped behind the cloak. I was facing Gaara. I could still see his face. I stroked his cheek and kissed his forehead.
"Shadow style: shadow wall," I said placing my hand on his forehead.
A blast of air came at me without warning. I didn't know as I'd never did it before. I was flying, going through tree, after tree, after tree. It was really excrusiatingly painful. Beyond anything I could describe. I was completely knocked out. Unaware, in the dark.  Couldn't see, couldn't hear anything from the outside world. Like I was dead. This wasn't peaceful enough to be death though. It was definitly just me unconscious. Before I knew it, I was waking up in hospital, my bed made of sand. The ceiling made of sand. The walls- I think you get it. I turned my head to the side and realized, I was no longer at Konohagakaru. But in Suna. My eyes widened. I couldn't believe it, how did I get here? I didn't remember...
I think I saved Gaara. I don't know if it worked though. I looked to the side slightly at the door. I looked to my other side to automatically cover my eyes - the window.

"Your awake," I heard a deep voice say from the bottom of my bed.

I went back to staring at the ceiling. He slowly walked over to me and held my hand. I stared at the red head...a few scratches but he was fine.
"Thank you," He whispered and pulled back worried, "why risk your life though? You knew that could have happened."
I chuckled slightly, "I guess I'm stupid."

A smile twitched on his lips and he kissed me on my forehead.

And now we can do a timeskips to them being 16! You ready for the next chapter guys?! Anyways, I know I haven't updated for 2 months. I've- I think you can guess why I haven't. Thank you for waiting. I've been getting a lot of supportive comments from you guys while I haven't so thank you. 



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