Chapter 7

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I laid on the floor unable to move. I felt pain like no other. It was like a flame growing inside of me. Although it was painful I felt even more powerful. But just then I heard a yell come from no other than Sasuke. I could probably guess he was bitten. I attempted to get up but my legs immediately gave out on me. But I heard a thump from in front of me. I looked up still holding my neck. I saw Gaara's team standing in front of me. I had no other choice as they could easily trying to kill me. I had to call on Luna, my tailed beast.

"Luna, help," I mumbled.

The team in front of me looked at me confused at my crazy mumblings but then, even more immense power flowed through me, layering me with jagged chakra. With no problem I stood up still holding my neck, Luna's power eased my pain. I looked at the team. Cat ears and blondey was obviously scared. Gaara on the other hand had curiosity flowing though his eyes even though his face did show it. I looked at each of them gaining my emotionless face again.

"What?" I asked.

"Give us your scroll," Kitty told me thinking I was vunrable even though he could see the wild chakra leaking out of me.

"I don't have it first of all. Second, you have both of yours and third, even if I did have it, what make you think I'd give it to you," I said.

Gaara slowly lifted his hand encasing me in sand. But as soon as I was covered the chakra practically cut though it. Gaara glared at me lowering his hand. I happily glared back pinning him to a tree. I did an animalistic growl at him. He continued glaring but I saw how anxious and threatened he was. So I let go off him.

"Luna, have you sealed it yet?" I asked out loud holding my neck once again.

I heard a slight snarl in the back of my mind meaning that she did. She immediately retrieved her chakra and I dropped my hand. Gaara tried once again to trap me in his sand. But as it hardened it began to crack. He grunted as it annoyed him.

"What are you?" he questioned.

"Like you, just a lot more dangerous...although, I wish to battle you some time" I answered.

With that I disappeared to look for my team.

edited: 20/10/2018

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