Chapter 17

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I ate slowly on my succulent steak. Dad always cooked it to perfection, with the exception of the off measurement of the salt today. That took around to thirty seconds to make, so he happily made it as many times as I wanted. Gaara, on the other hand, had trouble eating his. He struggled when he tore a piece off. I giggle silently as I watched the red-headed fool. He turned to me and glared. I told him how I did it.

"You see those lines and the direction they're going in? Bite into it horizontally, like so," I explained before chomping into his and tearing a bit off.

He glared at me fiercely but I couldn't find the will to compete with me again. When I told him he carried on eating as I went down to get something to drink. I got two glasses of orange juice and gave him one. He frowned but took It anyways. He chucked some down his throat. A trickle went down the side of his mouth...I couldn't help it. I leaned over and licked it off. Gaara froze at my sudden action. He looked at me with no emotion but I could tell, he was going crazy. I could hear his wild heart. I went to pull back but I was suddenly forced to come closer to him. My eyes widened at the sudden closeness.

"W-what are you doing?" I stuttered, I never really stutter. So why with him?

I could feel his hot breath against my wet, red lips.

"What do you think I'm doing?" He said in a low husky voice, it sent shivers down my back.

Not giving me time to think about what he was doing, he pushed his lips upon mine own. Even though that was forceful, his kisses were tender and teasing. I had no other thought in mind other than to return the favour. The kiss was tasteful, it was alluring. I wanted more. But he pulled back out of sudden embarrassment and suddenly looked away.


edited: 24/10/2018

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