Chapter 27

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About three years had past since the incident involving Gaara. Upon healing enough, I had to journey back to Konoha despite my feelings against it. And very strong feelings indeed. I had flipped immediately after seeing two jounin walk into the room to escort me. Weeks after that they still had massive lumps on their foreheads and black eyes. I did apologise and even wrote a letter of apology when I had come to my senses.

Nowadays, I was conflicted about most things and had fallen back into my rebellious pattern and sulking. Except I was very much aware of my attitude, which made everyone either cautious, scared or annoyed.

"Mizuki, it's been a month. Can you please just cook for today?" Dad pleaded, quite literally on his knees.

I patted his head lightly, "poor, poor child-man. Forced to the chore of cooking her daughters dinner. A truly tragic task."

"You cook pasta like no other though," he helplessly pleaded again before silencing, "it reminds me of your mother's cooking..."

A sad, distant look entered his already dark clouded eyes. My father lost his lover and I - my mother. They never married - he told me she always thought it was a superficial and unnecessary ceremony that people forced upon themselves. I personally thought it was sweet to bond ceremoniously with your soulmate. Dad wanted that. I'm sure he would have pushed for it had he known my mother's passing was much sooner than expected.

"Alright, I'll cook. But you have to talk to me about mum some more. As I'm getting older, my memories of her are fading," I told him bluntly as I turned to the fridge to get milk, butter and cheese.

He perked up slightly, hastily fixing himself on his two feet and went to the living room. He shuffled around for a bit, went silent then shortly entered the kitchen again. By then I had already placed some pasta on the stove to boil.
He handed me a photo frame of who I was to guess was my mother. Immediately, the blurred faces in my memory were refreshed and a small, indistinct small appeared on my face.

I was a spitting image of her.

She had snowy, white hair - so I was sure when I said it wasn't from my fathers side who for some reason had silver hair. Her eyes were fiercely gold and her nose was buttoned like me. She had full lips but mine ended up being slightly more plump.

"Her eyes never used to be like that. They used to be blue like yours," he smiled at me. An eyebrow rose, waiting for an explanation.
"Your kekkei genkai, it should evolve again soon. But your eyes remain gold...hers were beautiful."

Silence began after his sentence ended and carried on until the bubbling of the pot drew my attention. I, of course, panicked.

Dinner was served up after I had finished making the sauce and I sent myself to bed at soon as I finished packing the dishes away.
I threw myself on my bed and let out a massive sigh of relief - the strain on my back from walking all day was killing me. I concluded I would need a spa Suna. No one needed to know.

I attempted to activate my Shadouaigan, only to miserably fail since my chakra and energy was so low. I sighed, flipping myself over to embrace my pillows. Gaara had appeared a couple times and slept the night with me before reluctantly leaving. He had become the Kazekage and I was very proud to hear it. The village, bit by bit accepted his presence and saw he wasn't a ruthless killer, despite what they had heard.

I missed him as I watched him grow as person from a kid continuously angered by the worlds feelings of him. He learned to accept it and flourished. As result of that, he continuously sent sweet things to me and gestures. But I hadn't seen him for more that twenty minute at night, three times in the past three years - and even then I was pretty sure it was clones from the amount of sand that was left in my bed.

I missed him.

The next day came and team 7 was to go the Hokage's office to pick up our mission. It was a simple, boring one, that Naruto of course completely rejected. But at that moment, a decipher ninja ran into the room and handed Tsunade a message. The room was in complete utter silence - more so shock from their side though.

"What happened?" Naruto asked, making the rest of us curious.

"The Kazekage has been kidnapped by the Akatsuki..." she said cautiously while watching me.

I was unable to move for a long period of time until a wrath like no other erupted in me. But I gather myself immediately after hearing the floor beneath me crack loudly. No one dared speak a word until the Hokage broke the silence.

"Team 7, you have a new mission. You're to go to Suna, grasp the situation, report back to me and provide back up where necessary. You're dismissed."

I wasted no time to teleport myself back home and shortly after Kakashi followed. I heard him begin to pack, no bothering to extinguish the anger I felt. He knew well enough not to get involved with my feelings.
Shortly after packing, I teleported to the gate and waited patiently for the others to arrive. I notice that it wasn't just team 7 being deployed - Sakura followed after my arrival.

"Hi, Mizuki. Uhm, I know you were kinda close to Gaara. But we'll get him back."

"You guys are holding me back...I can teleport there on my own and get him back on my own," I harshly replied to him, not bothering to look him in the eyes.

"Maybe so, but we're being deployed as a group. We could die," Sakura tried to persist, to which he was met with silence.

Your girl's back with a new chapter! I hope you guys enjoyed this. Gives a vote and comment if you did and follow if you want to!


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