Chapter 9

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For the whole night we continuously glanced at each other. It began to irritate me but I could complain since I was doing it myself. But even when I felt I could stop I couldn't. He's fierce fiery hair, his sea foam blue eyes captivated me. I couldn't look away. He made me feel normal among his gaze. And only he has ever made me feel this way. Why? I had no idea.

Gaara's POV

I can't take my eyes off her. She makes me feel serenity withing and she never expressed fear around me. Her blue eyes pierced a whole in my soul and assessed my very being. I'd never felt anything like this. She...she made me feel the weird feeling in my stomach.  My heart sped up every time I look at her. I tried to hurt her with a serious intent to kill her but I simply couldn't. Her skin glowed in the luminescent moon. It made her look pure. But it was deceiving, as if it were a means to draw prey in. She was a monster. Just like me. And we couldn't re-write our fate.
She suddenly looked at me with a hard frown on her face. I tilted my head slightly confused.

"What did you say?" she asked.

I shook my head. She confused me. I didn't say anything...

"I heard your thoughts. You think I look...pure?" She questioned hesitantly.

I looked away clearly embarrassed. Again! She's making me feel emotions! How does she do it? Furthermore, how is she able to read my thoughts?

"How?" I said aloud.

She simply answered, "It's one of my genkai kenkai."

She has more blood line traits? That's impossible. Isn't it? she shouldn't have another one. I was caught of of my thoughts as the sun began to rise. I had to go. I stood and left with out saying a single word.

Mizuki's POV

It bothered me slightly that he never said goodbye before leaving. But then again, why should I care. He was my enemy. I had to destory him. My mind somehow  wondered off though. Of all places, he came to where I was. And on top of it all, he never left until now. I guess we could get along but it didn't change the fact that I had to beat him in the Chunnin's or he at least has to be beaten by someone else. Seeing as the proctors know that we are tail beast holders, they probably wouldn't pair us together as we would cause mass chaos around the village. Though we'd just have to wait and see. 

Hey guys, from here on out I'm gonna wing it. I'm not gonna bother watching th episodes. I'll do as much as I can from memory so forgive me if I forget something :P thanks for reading!

edited: 20/10/2018

Unconditional - Gaara loveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora