Chapter 11

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"Hey! Did you hear me?" He yelled in my ear.


With that, he formed a couple of hand signs so I lifted my hands and did a hand sign. He immediately frozen and then dropped his arms. I again concentrated on the matches and before long it was my go. The person I was competing against - anger had flared within me. A person I used to call friend appeared on the field. That was until she found out how strong I was and that I had Luna inside me she disappeared from my life. Back then I truly found who were my real friends and I was eternally grateful for that. I didn't exist to her. I jumped down from the railing meeting up with her on the battlefield. She had a stupid smirk on her bitch face of hers. My eye role then focused into a glare on her.

"I'm stronger than you now. You're just a weak coward!" she sneered.

I shook my head and sighed. That's why she had abandoned me? Because she was jealous of my strength? I guess she forgot how humble I actually am. The proctor said we could begin. She instantly dove in to attack me. I dodged every swing or kick she made. She began getting frustrated.

"Why aren't you fighting back, weakling?" She asked mockingly.

"I'm enjoying the sight of you winding yourself up," I smirked.

Her face went beet red with anger and it began to excite me. A sadistic look appeared on my face. I craved her blood spilling everywhere. I could imagine the sight she would be in front of me. However, I want her to get more annoyed.

She did a couple of hand signs. Out of nowhere, ice shards fell from above me. It cut my arm indicating it was more dangerous than expected. I put my hands in ram and then serpent. The jutsu was completely negated. She went even redder with anger like no other - I didn't know what I did to deserve it, but it got more exciting.

"Yes! Get angry! More! More anger!" I yelled.

And she did. She attacked me with kunais. Her movements were quicker than the eye could see but of course, I had above average tracking. She added more speed into her attacks making the go sloppy and inaccurate. I decided to fight back and active my ookamibijyon and the next thing she knew, she was flying across the stadium. My hand lifted my hand and pushed her back. It was but a touch on her shoulder. She hit the walls creating a crater. The whole of the wall was slightly caved in and very cracked. She fell to her knees vomiting blood up. But she wasn't done. She swayed back up on to her legs and ran at me at inhuman speed. With everything she threw at me, I still blocked it all. She grunted in frustration.

"Fight back coward!" She hissed.

I laughed grimly at her, "a coward? I'm trying not to hurt you unless you want to die. For that, I think you should be the first person to try out my new jutsu!"

She gasped slightly and backed off a little. With my hands I did bird, monkey, ox, rat, hair, serpent and I repeated it once again.

"Legendary illusion technique!"

Gasps were heard all over the stadium. The proctors gaze at us intensified. They had no idea what was going to happen. We were all looking at the girl standing in front of me, Arala frozen with a fearful face. She dropped to her knees holding her head. We were suddenly brought into her head. It was pitch black. We were all the only things that were actually visible apart from Arala. She yelled a deathly scream and an unsettling smile fell on my lips.

Any and everything she treasured was present in her mind but were broken into shards. Slipped between those broken feelings and thoughts were her fears and doubt with so much more. She would become the epitome of broken. I thought I would be satisfied until I saw one of her treasured memories was when spent a day by a waterfall - the day my mother was killed.


Anyway! I hope you enjoyed

edited: 23/10/2018

Rouge wolf

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