Chapter Eighteen

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Hey guys!

Sorry sorry sorry for taking a long time to update. DONT HATE ME D:< just been really super busy with college and been sick a lot lately :( But good news is bound by blood will be finished soon and itll be the first book ill ever finished since i started writing at like 11. thanks ADHD :P

Hope you enjoy! Share with your friends, comment, like, and GHOST READERS FOLLOW PLEASE!

Love, Jenntalia


One Week later

        It been a busy week at the Dulemonte mansion. Damien, Elisianna, and Nicole brought the children there, where for the last few days, they been told who they were, why they were taken, and been reconnected with their families that they were taken from so long ago. Elisianna watched these re-connections with tears in her eyes. The children were a mix of different feelings when families came and pointed them out as if the parents been with the child their whole lives, even if it has been years. Some were cautious, usually the older ones, who were taught that vampires were bad. The younger ones cried when being in their parent's arms again. The ones that remembered their families ran to them at the first sight of them.  It reminded Elisianna of when she reestablished a family bond with her own parents. Which were the ones to call the families of all the missing children, seeing as they never stopped looking for Elisianna and made connections throughout the U.S. and other countries.

        When the last child was reconnected with their family, Elisianna went back to her job as the school teacher for the children that lived at the Dulemonte mansion. Nicole stayed a few days, loving the atmosphere, and loving Damien. Damien of course had to break her heart when he told her that they could never be together seeing as he was waiting for his blood mate to show up. Nicole didn't understand the term and just figured he wasn't interested in her anymore. Nicole left in tears, but Elisianna knew the routine of Nicole's love life. She would either be broken up with or do the breaking, go to the bar, get drunk, dance with multiple men who were 'hot as a summer's day in Texas' and would realize that being single is better than being in a relationship. Elisianna was right about this when yesterday, Nicole called her to tell her how the community was doing, furious of course but scared, and that she was way over Damien.

        Damien ended up being the caretaker of Kaden. Kaden. The thought of him drew Elisianna to a sad place inside of her. He still hasn't woken up and it was starting to scare Elisianna. She really hoped that out of some fluke, Kaden really didn't die. Yet, Damien promised her that Kaden kept looking better everyday and not to worry. Yet, that's exactly what Elisianna did seeing as the royal family prevented her from seeing Kaden. Apparently, King Erick assumed that this was all Elisianna's fault that his son was lying dead right now. The Queen, whom Elisianna finally found her name was Sophina, was on her side, knowing that Elisianna went off on her own and Kaden followed her. Yet, the king still wouldn't allow Elisianna anywhere near Kaden. Which upset her, but she understood why he was upset. Erick was Kaden's father and was only worried about his son.

        Elisianna's eyes glanced over the children busy as their hands scribbled on the white boards, doing math problems that were on the white board behind Elisianna. She felt eyes on her and looked over at the door to see Damien. Looking at the children once more, Elisianna headed out to where Damien was. "Is he okay?" She knew that Damien was there only to tell her something about Kaden.

        Damien leaned against the wall,crossing his arms, a smile appearing on his face. "Yeah. Everything is great actually. Kaden woke up and is asking for you."

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