Chapter Fifteen

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Hey guys!

So I might not post a new YouTube video until the new year. I'm focusing on writing for you guys and focusing on family. I guess Dan will have to wait for me longer to appear in his life.... Sorry Dan.

Anyways, hope I'm not screwing up this important part in the story. Elisianna fighting style is in the multimedia. watch it to get a sense of what she is like fighting. I based her fighting style on underworld.

Vote, Comment, and share with friends who you think will like this story! I'll appreciate it big time!

Love, Jennatalia


        Heart thumping, Elisianna made extra sure to go quiet and too be extra cautious, looking behind her, through the windows of doors to just see empty bedrooms and some guards sleeping soundly. She made sure to disarm the security cameras at the corners they were posted, which seemed like every corner on this floor.

        Already she had to knock out three guards and stash them in a bedroom, laying them down on the four stacked cots that were in bunk bed form. She swiped a ID card from one of them, hooking it onto her belt, before leaving the room. Elisianna jogged silently through the hallways, a routine happening. Run, stop, disarm, run, stop, knock out, stash, run, and repeat. Until she heard muffle scream coming from one room. Curious, Elisianna headed over and peek in.

        A girl, only about the age of fifteen, was laying on one of the cots, her face covered in tears and she had her hands pushing away a shirtless guard, who was chuckling at her feats. He slapped her, hard and pushed her down, pushing up her skirt while he did. He held her down with one hand while unbuckling his pants and unzipping them with the other. The girl screamed at him to stop and please do this to her. Yet, the man didn't listen. He continue undoing his pants until he was naked, and laid down on the girl.

        This wasn't right in Elisianna's mind. The girl was only fifteen and she figured that the girl was being treated in such way because she had vampire genes in her and she was one of the prisoners. Something in Elisianna snapped. She thought she knew these guards, grew up with them, knew they were good people, but they weren't anymore. They were worse of a monster than what they think vampires were. In that moment, Elisianna's attitude about the whole ordeal changed. It was no longer time to being the nice girl. These people were monsters.

        Elisianna forced opened the door, causing the naked guard to quickly climb off the girl, who huddled into the corner, scared. The guard stood up and faced Eli with a confused look. "Who the hell are you?"

        "Funny. Thought you recognize me from high school, Tay. But, apparently not. So, I'm just gonna be the last thing you see." Elisianna quickly grabbed his belt, wrapped it around Tay's neck, tightening it while moving to behind him. She placed a foot on his ass and pushed, tightening the belt even more, until gagging and gasping noises came from Tay, until finally he slacked, yet Elisianna didn't stop tugging on the belt and pushing him with her foot until she knew that he was dead.

        Once she knew that, Elisianna ran over to the little girl and brushed away her bangs. "You okay? Don't be afraid of me. I'm here to help you and the others. Can you tell me how to get to the cage?" The girl nodded and preceded to tell her the way. Elisianna knew this already, but just wanted to make sure that she got it down right. "Alright thank you sweetheart, we are going to get all of you out of here. Just can you stay in here and hide for a bit. Ill get one of my friends to keep you company okay?" The girl nodded.

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